Source code for dpctl.tensor._utility_functions

from numpy.core.numeric import normalize_axis_tuple

import dpctl
import dpctl.tensor as dpt
import dpctl.tensor._tensor_impl as ti
import dpctl.tensor._tensor_reductions_impl as tri

def _boolean_reduction(x, axis, keepdims, func):
    if not isinstance(x, dpt.usm_ndarray):
        raise TypeError(f"Expected dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(x)}")

    nd = x.ndim
    if axis is None:
        red_nd = nd
        # case of a scalar
        if red_nd == 0:
            return dpt.astype(x, dpt.bool)
        x_tmp = x
        res_shape = tuple()
        perm = list(range(nd))
        if not isinstance(axis, (tuple, list)):
            axis = (axis,)
        axis = normalize_axis_tuple(axis, nd, "axis")

        red_nd = len(axis)
        # check for axis=()
        if red_nd == 0:
            return dpt.astype(x, dpt.bool)
        perm = [i for i in range(nd) if i not in axis] + list(axis)
        x_tmp = dpt.permute_dims(x, perm)
        res_shape = x_tmp.shape[: nd - red_nd]

    exec_q = x.sycl_queue
    res_usm_type = x.usm_type

    wait_list = []
    # always allocate the temporary as
    # int32 and usm-device  to ensure that atomic updates
    # are supported
    res_tmp = dpt.empty(
    hev0, ev0 = func(

    # copy to boolean result array
    res = dpt.empty(
    hev1, _ = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray(
        src=res_tmp, dst=res, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=[ev0]

    if keepdims:
        res_shape = res_shape + (1,) * red_nd
        inv_perm = sorted(range(nd), key=lambda d: perm[d])
        res = dpt.permute_dims(dpt.reshape(res, res_shape), inv_perm)
    return res

[docs]def all(x, /, *, axis=None, keepdims=False): """all(x, axis=None, keepdims=False) Tests whether all input array elements evaluate to True along a given axis. Args: x (usm_ndarray): Input array. axis (Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int,...]]]): Axis (or axes) along which to perform a logical AND reduction. When `axis` is `None`, a logical AND reduction is performed over all dimensions of `x`. If `axis` is negative, the axis is counted from the last dimension to the first. Default: `None`. keepdims (bool, optional): If `True`, the reduced axes are included in the result as singleton dimensions, and the result is broadcastable to the input array shape. If `False`, the reduced axes are not included in the result. Default: `False`. Returns: usm_ndarray: An array with a data type of `bool` containing the results of the logical AND reduction. """ return _boolean_reduction(x, axis, keepdims, tri._all)
[docs]def any(x, /, *, axis=None, keepdims=False): """any(x, axis=None, keepdims=False) Tests whether any input array elements evaluate to True along a given axis. Args: x (usm_ndarray): Input array. axis (Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int,...]]]): Axis (or axes) along which to perform a logical OR reduction. When `axis` is `None`, a logical OR reduction is performed over all dimensions of `x`. If `axis` is negative, the axis is counted from the last dimension to the first. Default: `None`. keepdims (bool, optional): If `True`, the reduced axes are included in the result as singleton dimensions, and the result is broadcastable to the input array shape. If `False`, the reduced axes are not included in the result. Default: `False`. Returns: usm_ndarray: An array with a data type of `bool` containing the results of the logical OR reduction. """ return _boolean_reduction(x, axis, keepdims, tri._any)