Building from the Source

To build dpctl from the source, you need DPC++ compiler. To run examples and test suite you would need GPU drivers and/or CPU OpenCL drivers. It is preferable to use the Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ compiler available as part of oneAPI Base-Kit. However, it is possible to use a custom build of DPC++ to build dpctl, especially if you want to enable CUDA support or try latest features.

Building using oneAPI DPC++

Install oneAPI and graphics drivers to the system prior to proceeding further.

Activate oneAPI

On Linux OS

source ${ONEAPI_ROOT}/

On Windows OS

call "%ONEAPI_ROOT%\setvars.bat"

Build and Install Using Conda-Build

You can use the conda-recipe included with the sources to build the dpctl package. The advantage of this approach is that all oneAPI library dependencies are pulled in from oneAPI’s local conda channel that is installed as a part of oneAPI.

export ONEAPI_ROOT=/opt/intel/oneapi
conda build conda-recipe -c ${ONEAPI_ROOT}/conda_channel

On Windows OS to cope with long file names, use croot with a short folder path:

set "ONEAPI_ROOT=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\"
conda build --croot=C:/tmp conda-recipe -c "%ONEAPI_ROOT%\conda_channel"

After building the Conda package, install it by executing:

conda install dpctl

Build and Install with scikit-build

To build using Python setuptools and scikit-build, install the following Python packages:

  • cython

  • numpy

  • cmake

  • scikit-build

  • ninja

  • gtest (optional to run C API tests)

  • gmock (optional to run C API tests)

  • pytest (optional to run Python API tests)

Once the prerequisites are installed, building using scikit-build involves the usual steps.

To build and install, run:

python install -- -G Ninja -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:PATH=icx -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:PATH=icpx
python install -- -G Ninja -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:PATH=icx -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:PATH=icx

To develop, run:


Developing can be streamlined using the driver script:

python scripts/ --verbose
python scripts/ --verbose

Building Using Custom DPC++

You can build dpctl from the source using the DPC++ toolchain instead of the DPC++ compiler that comes with oneAPI.

Following steps in the Build and install with scikit-build use a command-line option to set the relevant CMake variables, for example:

python develop -- -G Ninja -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:PATH=$(which clang) -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:PATH=$(which clang++)

Or you can use the driver script:

python scripts/ --c-compiler=$(which clang) --cxx-compiler=$(which clang++)

You can retrieve available options and their descriptions using the option --help.

Building the libsyclinterface Library

The libsyclinterface is a shared library used by the Python package. To build the library, you need:

  • DPC++ toolchain

  • cmake

  • ninja or make

  • Optionally gtest 1.10 if you want to build and run the test suite

For example, on Linux OS the following script can be used to build the C oneAPI library.

set +xe
rm -rf build
mkdir build
pushd build || exit 1

export ONEAPI_ROOT=/opt/intel/oneapi
# Values are set as appropriate for oneAPI DPC++ 2024.0
# or later.

# Set these to ensure that cmake can find llvm-cov and
# other utilities

cmake                                                       \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug                                \
    -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=icx                                  \
    -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=icpx                               \
    -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${INSTALL_PREFIX}                   \
    -DDPCTL_ENABLE_L0_PROGRAM_CREATION=ON                   \
    -DDPCTL_BUILD_CAPI_TESTS=ON                             \
    -DDPCTL_GENERATE_COVERAGE=ON                            \

make V=1 -n -j 4 && make check && make install

popd || exit 1