Utility functions

all(x[, axis, keepdims])

Tests whether all input array elements evaluate to True along a given axis.

any(x[, axis, keepdims])

Tests whether any input array elements evaluate to True along a given axis.

allclose(a1, a2[, atol, rtol, equal_nan])

Returns True if two arrays are element-wise equal within tolerances.

diff(x, /, *[, axis, n, prepend, append])

Calculates the n-th discrete forward difference of x along axis.

Device object

class dpctl.tensor.Device(*args, **kwargs)[source]

An object representing Data-API concept of device.

This is a wrapper around dpctl.SyclQueue with custom formatting. The class does not have public constructor, but a class method dpctl.tensor.Device.create_device() to construct it from device keyword argument in Array-API functions.

Instance can be queried for sycl_queue, sycl_context, or sycl_device.


Creates instance of Device from argument.


dpctl.SyclQueue used to offload to this Device.


dpctl.SyclDevice targeted by this Device.


dpctl.SyclContext associated with this Device.