

subtract(x1, x2, /, *, out=None, order=’K’)

Calculates the difference between each element x1_i of the input array x1 and the respective element x2_i of the input array x2.

  • x1 (usm_ndarray) – First input array, expected to have a numeric data type.

  • x2 (usm_ndarray) – Second input array, also expected to have a numeric data type.

  • out (Union[usm_ndarray, None], optional) – Output array to populate. Array must have the correct shape and the expected data type.

  • order ("C","F","A","K", optional) – Memory layout of the new output array, if parameter out is None. Default: “K”.


An array containing the element-wise differences. The data type of the returned array is determined by the Type Promotion Rules.

Return type:
