Source code for dpctl.tensor._reduction

#                       Data Parallel Control (dpctl)
#  Copyright 2020-2025 Intel Corporation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import dpctl
import dpctl.tensor as dpt
import dpctl.tensor._tensor_impl as ti
import dpctl.tensor._tensor_reductions_impl as tri
from dpctl.utils import ExecutionPlacementError, SequentialOrderManager

from ._numpy_helper import normalize_axis_tuple
from ._type_utils import (

def _reduction_over_axis(
    if not isinstance(x, dpt.usm_ndarray):
        raise TypeError(f"Expected dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(x)}")
    nd = x.ndim
    if axis is None:
        axis = tuple(range(nd))
        perm = list(axis)
        arr = x
        if not isinstance(axis, (tuple, list)):
            axis = (axis,)
        axis = normalize_axis_tuple(axis, nd, "axis")
        perm = [i for i in range(nd) if i not in axis] + list(axis)
        arr = dpt.permute_dims(x, perm)
    red_nd = len(axis)
    res_shape = arr.shape[: nd - red_nd]
    q = x.sycl_queue
    inp_dt = x.dtype
    if dtype is None:
        res_dt = _default_reduction_type_fn(inp_dt, q)
        res_dt = dpt.dtype(dtype)
        res_dt = _to_device_supported_dtype(res_dt, q.sycl_device)

    res_usm_type = x.usm_type

    implemented_types = _dtype_supported(inp_dt, res_dt, res_usm_type, q)
    if dtype is None and not implemented_types:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Automatically determined reduction data type does not "
            "have direct implementation"
    orig_out = out
    if out is not None:
        if not isinstance(out, dpt.usm_ndarray):
            raise TypeError(
                f"output array must be of usm_ndarray type, got {type(out)}"
        if not out.flags.writable:
            raise ValueError("provided `out` array is read-only")
        if not keepdims:
            final_res_shape = res_shape
            inp_shape = x.shape
            final_res_shape = tuple(
                inp_shape[i] if i not in axis else 1 for i in range(nd)
        if not out.shape == final_res_shape:
            raise ValueError(
                "The shape of input and output arrays are inconsistent. "
                f"Expected output shape is {final_res_shape}, got {out.shape}"
        if res_dt != out.dtype:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Output array of type {res_dt} is needed, got {out.dtype}"
        if dpctl.utils.get_execution_queue((q, out.sycl_queue)) is None:
            raise ExecutionPlacementError(
                "Input and output allocation queues are not compatible"
        if keepdims:
            out = dpt.squeeze(out, axis=axis)
            orig_out = out
        if ti._array_overlap(x, out) and implemented_types:
            out = dpt.empty_like(out)
        out = dpt.empty(
            res_shape, dtype=res_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=q

    _manager = SequentialOrderManager[q]
    dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events
    if red_nd == 0:
        ht_e_cpy, cpy_e = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray(
            src=arr, dst=out, sycl_queue=q, depends=dep_evs
        _manager.add_event_pair(ht_e_cpy, cpy_e)
        if not (orig_out is None or orig_out is out):
            ht_e_cpy2, cpy2_e = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray(
                src=out, dst=orig_out, sycl_queue=q, depends=[cpy_e]
            _manager.add_event_pair(ht_e_cpy2, cpy2_e)
            out = orig_out
        return out

    if implemented_types:
        ht_e, red_e = _reduction_fn(
        _manager.add_event_pair(ht_e, red_e)
        if not (orig_out is None or orig_out is out):
            ht_e_cpy, cpy_e = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray(
                src=out, dst=orig_out, sycl_queue=q, depends=[red_e]
            _manager.add_event_pair(ht_e_cpy, cpy_e)
            out = orig_out
        if _dtype_supported(res_dt, res_dt, res_usm_type, q):
            tmp = dpt.empty(
                arr.shape, dtype=res_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=q
            ht_e_cpy, cpy_e = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray(
                src=arr, dst=tmp, sycl_queue=q, depends=dep_evs
            _manager.add_event_pair(ht_e_cpy, cpy_e)
            ht_e_red, red_ev = _reduction_fn(
            _manager.add_event_pair(ht_e_red, red_ev)
            buf_dt = _default_reduction_type_fn(inp_dt, q)
            tmp = dpt.empty(
                arr.shape, dtype=buf_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=q
            ht_e_cpy, cpy_e = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray(
                src=arr, dst=tmp, sycl_queue=q, depends=dep_evs
            _manager.add_event_pair(ht_e_cpy, cpy_e)
            tmp_res = dpt.empty(
                res_shape, dtype=buf_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=q
            ht_e_red, r_e = _reduction_fn(
            _manager.add_event_pair(ht_e_red, r_e)
            ht_e_cpy2, cpy2_e = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray(
                src=tmp_res, dst=out, sycl_queue=q, depends=[r_e]
            _manager.add_event_pair(ht_e_cpy2, cpy2_e)

    if keepdims:
        res_shape = res_shape + (1,) * red_nd
        inv_perm = sorted(range(nd), key=lambda d: perm[d])
        out = dpt.permute_dims(dpt.reshape(out, res_shape), inv_perm)
    return out

[docs]def sum(x, /, *, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, out=None): """ Calculates the sum of elements in the input array ``x``. Args: x (usm_ndarray): input array. axis (Optional[int, Tuple[int, ...]]): axis or axes along which sums must be computed. If a tuple of unique integers, sums are computed over multiple axes. If ``None``, the sum is computed over the entire array. Default: ``None``. dtype (Optional[dtype]): data type of the returned array. If ``None``, the default data type is inferred from the "kind" of the input array data type. * If ``x`` has a real- or complex-valued floating-point data type, the returned array will have the same data type as ``x``. * If ``x`` has signed integral data type, the returned array will have the default signed integral type for the device where input array ``x`` is allocated. * If ``x`` has unsigned integral data type, the returned array will have the default unsigned integral type for the device where input array ``x`` is allocated. array ``x`` is allocated. * If ``x`` has a boolean data type, the returned array will have the default signed integral type for the device where input array ``x`` is allocated. If the data type (either specified or resolved) differs from the data type of ``x``, the input array elements are cast to the specified data type before computing the sum. Default: ``None``. keepdims (Optional[bool]): if ``True``, the reduced axes (dimensions) are included in the result as singleton dimensions, so that the returned array remains compatible with the input arrays according to Array Broadcasting rules. Otherwise, if ``False``, the reduced axes are not included in the returned array. Default: ``False``. out (Optional[usm_ndarray]): the array into which the result is written. The data type of ``out`` must match the expected shape and the expected data type of the result or (if provided) ``dtype``. If ``None`` then a new array is returned. Default: ``None``. Returns: usm_ndarray: an array containing the sums. If the sum was computed over the entire array, a zero-dimensional array is returned. The returned array has the data type as described in the ``dtype`` parameter description above. """ return _reduction_over_axis( x, axis, dtype, keepdims, out, tri._sum_over_axis, tri._sum_over_axis_dtype_supported, _default_accumulation_dtype, )
[docs]def prod(x, /, *, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, out=None): """ Calculates the product of elements in the input array ``x``. Args: x (usm_ndarray): input array. axis (Optional[int, Tuple[int, ...]]): axis or axes along which products must be computed. If a tuple of unique integers, products are computed over multiple axes. If ``None``, the product is computed over the entire array. Default: ``None``. dtype (Optional[dtype]): data type of the returned array. If ``None``, the default data type is inferred from the "kind" of the input array data type. * If ``x`` has a real- or complex-valued floating-point data type, the returned array will have the same data type as ``x``. * If ``x`` has signed integral data type, the returned array will have the default signed integral type for the device where input array ``x`` is allocated. * If ``x`` has unsigned integral data type, the returned array will have the default unsigned integral type for the device where input array ``x`` is allocated. * If ``x`` has a boolean data type, the returned array will have the default signed integral type for the device where input array ``x`` is allocated. If the data type (either specified or resolved) differs from the data type of ``x``, the input array elements are cast to the specified data type before computing the product. Default: ``None``. keepdims (Optional[bool]): if ``True``, the reduced axes (dimensions) are included in the result as singleton dimensions, so that the returned array remains compatible with the input arrays according to Array Broadcasting rules. Otherwise, if ``False``, the reduced axes are not included in the returned array. Default: ``False``. out (Optional[usm_ndarray]): the array into which the result is written. The data type of ``out`` must match the expected shape and the expected data type of the result or (if provided) ``dtype``. If ``None`` then a new array is returned. Default: ``None``. Returns: usm_ndarray: an array containing the products. If the product was computed over the entire array, a zero-dimensional array is returned. The returned array has the data type as described in the ``dtype`` parameter description above. """ return _reduction_over_axis( x, axis, dtype, keepdims, out, tri._prod_over_axis, tri._prod_over_axis_dtype_supported, _default_accumulation_dtype, )
[docs]def logsumexp(x, /, *, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, out=None): """ Calculates the logarithm of the sum of exponentials of elements in the input array ``x``. Args: x (usm_ndarray): input array. axis (Optional[int, Tuple[int, ...]]): axis or axes along which values must be computed. If a tuple of unique integers, values are computed over multiple axes. If ``None``, the result is computed over the entire array. Default: ``None``. dtype (Optional[dtype]): data type of the returned array. If ``None``, the default data type is inferred from the "kind" of the input array data type. * If ``x`` has a real-valued floating-point data type, the returned array will have the same data type as ``x``. * If ``x`` has a boolean or integral data type, the returned array will have the default floating point data type for the device where input array ``x`` is allocated. * If ``x`` has a complex-valued floating-point data type, an error is raised. If the data type (either specified or resolved) differs from the data type of ``x``, the input array elements are cast to the specified data type before computing the result. Default: ``None``. keepdims (Optional[bool]): if ``True``, the reduced axes (dimensions) are included in the result as singleton dimensions, so that the returned array remains compatible with the input arrays according to Array Broadcasting rules. Otherwise, if ``False``, the reduced axes are not included in the returned array. Default: ``False``. out (Optional[usm_ndarray]): the array into which the result is written. The data type of ``out`` must match the expected shape and the expected data type of the result or (if provided) ``dtype``. If ``None`` then a new array is returned. Default: ``None``. Returns: usm_ndarray: an array containing the results. If the result was computed over the entire array, a zero-dimensional array is returned. The returned array has the data type as described in the ``dtype`` parameter description above. """ return _reduction_over_axis( x, axis, dtype, keepdims, out, tri._logsumexp_over_axis, lambda inp_dt, res_dt, *_: tri._logsumexp_over_axis_dtype_supported( inp_dt, res_dt ), _default_accumulation_dtype_fp_types, )
[docs]def reduce_hypot(x, /, *, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, out=None): """ Calculates the square root of the sum of squares of elements in the input array ``x``. Args: x (usm_ndarray): input array. axis (Optional[int, Tuple[int, ...]]): axis or axes along which values must be computed. If a tuple of unique integers, values are computed over multiple axes. If ``None``, the result is computed over the entire array. Default: ``None``. dtype (Optional[dtype]): data type of the returned array. If ``None``, the default data type is inferred from the "kind" of the input array data type. * If ``x`` has a real-valued floating-point data type, the returned array will have the same data type as ``x``. * If ``x`` has a boolean or integral data type, the returned array will have the default floating point data type for the device where input array ``x`` is allocated. * If ``x`` has a complex-valued floating-point data type, an error is raised. If the data type (either specified or resolved) differs from the data type of ``x``, the input array elements are cast to the specified data type before computing the result. Default: ``None``. keepdims (Optional[bool]): if ``True``, the reduced axes (dimensions) are included in the result as singleton dimensions, so that the returned array remains compatible with the input arrays according to Array Broadcasting rules. Otherwise, if ``False``, the reduced axes are not included in the returned array. Default: ``False``. out (Optional[usm_ndarray]): the array into which the result is written. The data type of ``out`` must match the expected shape and the expected data type of the result or (if provided) ``dtype``. If ``None`` then a new array is returned. Default: ``None``. Returns: usm_ndarray: an array containing the results. If the result was computed over the entire array, a zero-dimensional array is returned. The returned array has the data type as described in the ``dtype`` parameter description above. """ return _reduction_over_axis( x, axis, dtype, keepdims, out, tri._hypot_over_axis, lambda inp_dt, res_dt, *_: tri._hypot_over_axis_dtype_supported( inp_dt, res_dt ), _default_accumulation_dtype_fp_types, )
def _comparison_over_axis(x, axis, keepdims, out, _reduction_fn): if not isinstance(x, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(x)}") nd = x.ndim if axis is None: axis = tuple(range(nd)) perm = list(axis) x_tmp = x else: if not isinstance(axis, (tuple, list)): axis = (axis,) axis = normalize_axis_tuple(axis, nd, "axis") perm = [i for i in range(nd) if i not in axis] + list(axis) x_tmp = dpt.permute_dims(x, perm) red_nd = len(axis) if any([x_tmp.shape[i] == 0 for i in range(-red_nd, 0)]): raise ValueError("reduction cannot be performed over zero-size axes") res_shape = x_tmp.shape[: nd - red_nd] exec_q = x.sycl_queue res_dt = x.dtype res_usm_type = x.usm_type orig_out = out if out is not None: if not isinstance(out, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError( f"output array must be of usm_ndarray type, got {type(out)}" ) if not out.flags.writable: raise ValueError("provided `out` array is read-only") if not keepdims: final_res_shape = res_shape else: inp_shape = x.shape final_res_shape = tuple( inp_shape[i] if i not in axis else 1 for i in range(nd) ) if not out.shape == final_res_shape: raise ValueError( "The shape of input and output arrays are inconsistent. " f"Expected output shape is {final_res_shape}, got {out.shape}" ) if res_dt != out.dtype: raise ValueError( f"Output array of type {res_dt} is needed, got {out.dtype}" ) if dpctl.utils.get_execution_queue((exec_q, out.sycl_queue)) is None: raise ExecutionPlacementError( "Input and output allocation queues are not compatible" ) if keepdims: out = dpt.squeeze(out, axis=axis) orig_out = out if ti._array_overlap(x, out): out = dpt.empty_like(out) else: out = dpt.empty( res_shape, dtype=res_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q ) _manager = SequentialOrderManager[exec_q] dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events if red_nd == 0: ht_e_cpy, cpy_e = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=x_tmp, dst=out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=dep_evs ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_e_cpy, cpy_e) if not (orig_out is None or orig_out is out): ht_e_cpy2, cpy2_e = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=out, dst=orig_out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=[cpy_e] ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_e_cpy2, cpy2_e) out = orig_out return out hev, red_ev = _reduction_fn( src=x_tmp, trailing_dims_to_reduce=red_nd, dst=out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=dep_evs, ) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, red_ev) if not (orig_out is None or orig_out is out): ht_e_cpy2, cpy2_e = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=out, dst=orig_out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=[red_ev] ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_e_cpy2, cpy2_e) out = orig_out if keepdims: res_shape = res_shape + (1,) * red_nd inv_perm = sorted(range(nd), key=lambda d: perm[d]) out = dpt.permute_dims(dpt.reshape(out, res_shape), inv_perm) return out
[docs]def max(x, /, *, axis=None, keepdims=False, out=None): """ Calculates the maximum value of the input array ``x``. Args: x (usm_ndarray): input array. axis (Optional[int, Tuple[int, ...]]): axis or axes along which maxima must be computed. If a tuple of unique integers, the maxima are computed over multiple axes. If ``None``, the max is computed over the entire array. Default: ``None``. keepdims (Optional[bool]): if ``True``, the reduced axes (dimensions) are included in the result as singleton dimensions, so that the returned array remains compatible with the input arrays according to Array Broadcasting rules. Otherwise, if ``False``, the reduced axes are not included in the returned array. Default: ``False``. out (Optional[usm_ndarray]): the array into which the result is written. The data type of ``out`` must match the expected shape and the expected data type of the result. If ``None`` then a new array is returned. Default: ``None``. Returns: usm_ndarray: an array containing the maxima. If the max was computed over the entire array, a zero-dimensional array is returned. The returned array has the same data type as ``x``. """ return _comparison_over_axis(x, axis, keepdims, out, tri._max_over_axis)
[docs]def min(x, /, *, axis=None, keepdims=False, out=None): """ Calculates the minimum value of the input array ``x``. Args: x (usm_ndarray): input array. axis (Optional[int, Tuple[int, ...]]): axis or axes along which minima must be computed. If a tuple of unique integers, the minima are computed over multiple axes. If ``None``, the min is computed over the entire array. Default: ``None``. keepdims (Optional[bool]): if ``True``, the reduced axes (dimensions) are included in the result as singleton dimensions, so that the returned array remains compatible with the input arrays according to Array Broadcasting rules. Otherwise, if ``False``, the reduced axes are not included in the returned array. Default: ``False``. out (Optional[usm_ndarray]): the array into which the result is written. The data type of ``out`` must match the expected shape and the expected data type of the result. If ``None`` then a new array is returned. Default: ``None``. Returns: usm_ndarray: an array containing the minima. If the min was computed over the entire array, a zero-dimensional array is returned. The returned array has the same data type as ``x``. """ return _comparison_over_axis(x, axis, keepdims, out, tri._min_over_axis)
def _search_over_axis(x, axis, keepdims, out, _reduction_fn): if not isinstance(x, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(x)}") nd = x.ndim if axis is None: axis = tuple(range(nd)) perm = list(axis) x_tmp = x else: if isinstance(axis, int): axis = (axis,) else: raise TypeError( f"'axis' argument expected to have type 'int' " r"or be `None`, " f"got type {type(axis)}" ) axis = normalize_axis_tuple(axis, nd, "axis") perm = [i for i in range(nd) if i not in axis] + list(axis) x_tmp = dpt.permute_dims(x, perm) axis = normalize_axis_tuple(axis, nd, "axis") red_nd = len(axis) if any([x_tmp.shape[i] == 0 for i in range(-red_nd, 0)]): raise ValueError("reduction cannot be performed over zero-size axes") res_shape = x_tmp.shape[: nd - red_nd] exec_q = x.sycl_queue res_dt = ti.default_device_index_type(exec_q.sycl_device) res_usm_type = x.usm_type orig_out = out if out is not None: if not isinstance(out, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError( f"output array must be of usm_ndarray type, got {type(out)}" ) if not out.flags.writable: raise ValueError("provided `out` array is read-only") if not keepdims: final_res_shape = res_shape else: inp_shape = x.shape final_res_shape = tuple( inp_shape[i] if i not in axis else 1 for i in range(nd) ) if not out.shape == final_res_shape: raise ValueError( "The shape of input and output arrays are inconsistent. " f"Expected output shape is {final_res_shape}, got {out.shape}" ) if res_dt != out.dtype: raise ValueError( f"Output array of type {res_dt} is needed, got {out.dtype}" ) if dpctl.utils.get_execution_queue((exec_q, out.sycl_queue)) is None: raise ExecutionPlacementError( "Input and output allocation queues are not compatible" ) if keepdims: out = dpt.squeeze(out, axis=axis) orig_out = out if ti._array_overlap(x, out) and red_nd > 0: out = dpt.empty_like(out) else: out = dpt.empty( res_shape, dtype=res_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q ) _manager = SequentialOrderManager[exec_q] dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events if red_nd == 0: ht_e_fill, fill_ev = ti._full_usm_ndarray( fill_value=0, dst=out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=dep_evs ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_e_fill, fill_ev) return out hev, red_ev = _reduction_fn( src=x_tmp, trailing_dims_to_reduce=red_nd, dst=out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=dep_evs, ) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, red_ev) if not (orig_out is None or orig_out is out): ht_e_cpy2, cpy2_e = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=out, dst=orig_out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=[red_ev] ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_e_cpy2, cpy2_e) out = orig_out if keepdims: res_shape = res_shape + (1,) * red_nd inv_perm = sorted(range(nd), key=lambda d: perm[d]) out = dpt.permute_dims(dpt.reshape(out, res_shape), inv_perm) return out
[docs]def argmax(x, /, *, axis=None, keepdims=False, out=None): """ Returns the indices of the maximum values of the input array ``x`` along a specified axis. When the maximum value occurs multiple times, the indices corresponding to the first occurrence are returned. Args: x (usm_ndarray): input array. axis (Optional[int]): axis along which to search. If ``None``, returns the index of the maximum value of the flattened array. Default: ``None``. keepdims (Optional[bool]): if ``True``, the reduced axes (dimensions) are included in the result as singleton dimensions, so that the returned array remains compatible with the input arrays according to Array Broadcasting rules. Otherwise, if ``False``, the reduced axes are not included in the returned array. Default: ``False``. out (Optional[usm_ndarray]): the array into which the result is written. The data type of ``out`` must match the expected shape and the expected data type of the result. If ``None`` then a new array is returned. Default: ``None``. Returns: usm_ndarray: an array containing the indices of the first occurrence of the maximum values. If the entire array was searched, a zero-dimensional array is returned. The returned array has the default array index data type for the device of ``x``. """ return _search_over_axis(x, axis, keepdims, out, tri._argmax_over_axis)
[docs]def argmin(x, /, *, axis=None, keepdims=False, out=None): """ Returns the indices of the minimum values of the input array ``x`` along a specified axis. When the minimum value occurs multiple times, the indices corresponding to the first occurrence are returned. Args: x (usm_ndarray): input array. axis (Optional[int]): axis along which to search. If ``None``, returns the index of the minimum value of the flattened array. Default: ``None``. keepdims (Optional[bool]): if ``True``, the reduced axes (dimensions) are included in the result as singleton dimensions, so that the returned array remains compatible with the input arrays according to Array Broadcasting rules. Otherwise, if ``False``, the reduced axes are not included in the returned array. Default: ``False``. out (Optional[usm_ndarray]): the array into which the result is written. The data type of ``out`` must match the expected shape and the expected data type of the result. If ``None`` then a new array is returned. Default: ``None``. Returns: usm_ndarray: an array containing the indices of the first occurrence of the minimum values. If the entire array was searched, a zero-dimensional array is returned. The returned array has the default array index data type for the device of ``x``. """ return _search_over_axis(x, axis, keepdims, out, tri._argmin_over_axis)
[docs]def count_nonzero(x, /, *, axis=None, keepdims=False, out=None): """ Counts the number of elements in the input array ``x`` which are non-zero. Args: x (usm_ndarray): input array. axis (Optional[int, Tuple[int, ...]]): axis or axes along which to count. If a tuple of unique integers, the number of non-zero values are computed over multiple axes. If ``None``, the number of non-zero values is computed over the entire array. Default: ``None``. keepdims (Optional[bool]): if ``True``, the reduced axes (dimensions) are included in the result as singleton dimensions, so that the returned array remains compatible with the input arrays according to Array Broadcasting rules. Otherwise, if ``False``, the reduced axes are not included in the returned array. Default: ``False``. out (Optional[usm_ndarray]): the array into which the result is written. The data type of ``out`` must match the expected shape and data type. If ``None`` then a new array is returned. Default: ``None``. Returns: usm_ndarray: an array containing the count of non-zero values. If the sum was computed over the entire array, a zero-dimensional array is returned. The returned array will have the default array index data type. """ if x.dtype != dpt.bool: x = dpt.astype(x, dpt.bool, copy=False) return sum( x, axis=axis, dtype=ti.default_device_index_type(x.sycl_device), keepdims=keepdims, out=out, )