Source code for dpctl.tensor._linear_algebra_functions

#                       Data Parallel Control (dpctl)
#  Copyright 2020-2024 Intel Corporation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import operator

import dpctl
import dpctl.tensor as dpt
import dpctl.tensor._tensor_elementwise_impl as tei
import dpctl.tensor._tensor_impl as ti
import dpctl.tensor._tensor_linalg_impl as tli
from dpctl.tensor._copy_utils import _empty_like_orderK, _empty_like_pair_orderK
from dpctl.tensor._manipulation_functions import _broadcast_shape_impl
from dpctl.tensor._type_utils import (
from dpctl.utils import ExecutionPlacementError, SequentialOrderManager

from ._numpy_helper import normalize_axis_index, normalize_axis_tuple

[docs]def matrix_transpose(x): r"""matrix_transpose(x) Transposes the innermost two dimensions of `x`, where `x` is a 2-dimensional matrix or a stack of 2-dimensional matrices. To convert from a 1-dimensional array to a 2-dimensional column vector, use x[:, dpt.newaxis]. Args: x (usm_ndarray): Input array with shape (..., m, n). Returns: usm_ndarray: Array with shape (..., n, m). """ if not isinstance(x, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError( "Expected instance of `dpt.usm_ndarray`, got `{}`.".format(type(x)) ) if x.ndim < 2: raise ValueError( "dpctl.tensor.matrix_transpose requires array to have" "at least 2 dimensions" ) return x.mT
[docs]def tensordot(x1, x2, axes=2): r"""tensordot(x1, x2, axes=2) Returns a tensor contraction of `x1` and `x2` over specific axes. Args: x1 (usm_ndarray): first input array, expected to have numeric data type. x2 (usm_ndarray): second input array, expected to have numeric data type. Corresponding contracted axes of `x1` and `x2` must be equal. axes (Union[int, Tuple[Sequence[int], Sequence[int]]): number of axes to contract or explicit sequences of axes for `x1` and `x2`, respectively. If `axes` is an integer equal to `N`, then the contraction is performed over last `N` axes of `x1` and the first `N` axis of `x2` in order. The size of each corresponding axis must match and must be non-negative. * if `N` equals `0`, the result is the tensor outer product * if `N` equals `1`, the result is the tensor dot product * if `N` equals `2`, the result is the tensor double contraction (default). If `axes` is a tuple of two sequences `(x1_axes, x2_axes)`, the first sequence applies to `x1` and the second sequence applies to `x2`. Both sequences must have equal length, and each axis `x1_axes[i]` for `x1` must have the same size as the respective axis `x2_axes[i]` for `x2`. Each sequence must consist of unique integers that specify valid axes for each respective array. For example, if `x1` has rank `N`, a valid axis must reside on the half-open interval `[-N, N)`. Returns: usm_ndarray: an array containing the tensor contraction whose shape consists of the non-contracted axes of the first array `x1`, followed by the non-contracted axes of the second array `x2`. The returned array must have a data type determined by Type Promotion Rules. """ if not isinstance(x1, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(x1)}") if not isinstance(x2, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(x2)}") q1, x1_usm_type = x1.sycl_queue, x1.usm_type q2, x2_usm_type = x2.sycl_queue, x2.usm_type exec_q = dpctl.utils.get_execution_queue((q1, q2)) if exec_q is None: raise ExecutionPlacementError( "Execution placement can not be unambiguously inferred " "from input arguments." ) res_usm_type = dpctl.utils.get_coerced_usm_type( ( x1_usm_type, x2_usm_type, ) ) dpctl.utils.validate_usm_type(res_usm_type, allow_none=False) # handle axes and shapes validation x1_nd = x1.ndim x2_nd = x2.ndim x1_shape = x1.shape x2_shape = x2.shape if isinstance(axes, int): if axes < 0: raise ValueError("`axes` integer is expected to be non-negative") n_axes1 = axes n_axes2 = axes axes1 = normalize_axis_tuple(tuple(range(-axes, 0)), x1_nd) axes2 = tuple(range(0, axes)) elif isinstance(axes, tuple): if len(axes) != 2: raise ValueError( "`axes` tuple is expected to contain two sequences" ) axes1 = tuple(axes[0]) axes2 = tuple(axes[1]) n_axes1 = len(axes1) n_axes2 = len(axes2) else: raise TypeError("`axes` must be an integer or a tuple of sequences") if n_axes1 != n_axes2: raise ValueError( "number of axes contracted must be the same for each array" ) if n_axes1 == 0: arr1 = x1[..., dpt.newaxis] arr2 = x2[dpt.newaxis, ...] n_axes1 = 1 n_axes2 = 1 else: same_shapes = True for i in range(n_axes1): axis1 = axes1[i] axis2 = axes2[i] same_shapes = same_shapes and (x1_shape[axis1] == x2_shape[axis2]) if not same_shapes: raise ValueError("shape mismatch in contracted `tensordot` axes") axes1 = normalize_axis_tuple(axes1, x1_nd) axes2 = normalize_axis_tuple(axes2, x2_nd) perm1 = [i for i in range(x1_nd) if i not in axes1] + list(axes1) perm2 = list(axes2) + [i for i in range(x2_nd) if i not in axes2] arr1 = dpt.permute_dims(x1, perm1) arr2 = dpt.permute_dims(x2, perm2) arr1_outer_nd = arr1.ndim - n_axes1 arr2_outer_nd = arr2.ndim - n_axes2 res_shape = arr1.shape[:arr1_outer_nd] + arr2.shape[n_axes2:] # type validation sycl_dev = exec_q.sycl_device x1_dtype = x1.dtype x2_dtype = x2.dtype buf1_dt, buf2_dt, res_dt = _find_buf_dtype2( x1_dtype, x2_dtype, tli._dot_result_type, sycl_dev, acceptance_fn=_acceptance_fn_default_binary, ) if res_dt is None: raise TypeError( "function 'tensordot' does not support input types " f"({x1_dtype}, {x2_dtype}), " "and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any " "supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''." ) _manager = SequentialOrderManager[exec_q] if buf1_dt is None and buf2_dt is None: out = dpt.empty( res_shape, dtype=res_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q, order="C", ) dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events ht_dot_ev, dot_ev = tli._dot( x1=arr1, x2=arr2, batch_dims=0, x1_outer_dims=arr1_outer_nd, x2_outer_dims=arr2_outer_nd, inner_dims=n_axes1, dst=out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=dep_evs, ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_dot_ev, dot_ev) return out elif buf1_dt is None: buf2 = _empty_like_orderK(arr2, buf2_dt) dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events ht_copy_ev, copy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=arr2, dst=buf2, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=dep_evs ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_copy_ev, copy_ev) out = dpt.empty( res_shape, dtype=res_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q, order="C", ) ht_dot_ev, dot_ev = tli._dot( x1=arr1, x2=buf2, batch_dims=0, x1_outer_dims=arr1_outer_nd, x2_outer_dims=arr2_outer_nd, inner_dims=n_axes1, dst=out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=[copy_ev], ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_dot_ev, dot_ev) return out elif buf2_dt is None: buf1 = _empty_like_orderK(arr1, buf1_dt) dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events ht_copy_ev, copy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=arr1, dst=buf1, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=dep_evs ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_copy_ev, copy_ev) out = dpt.empty( res_shape, dtype=res_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q, order="C", ) ht_dot_ev, dot_ev = tli._dot( x1=buf1, x2=arr2, batch_dims=0, x1_outer_dims=arr1_outer_nd, x2_outer_dims=arr2_outer_nd, inner_dims=n_axes1, dst=out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=[copy_ev], ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_dot_ev, dot_ev) return out buf1 = _empty_like_orderK(arr1, buf1_dt) deps_ev = _manager.submitted_events ht_copy1_ev, copy1_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=arr1, dst=buf1, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=deps_ev ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_copy1_ev, copy1_ev) buf2 = _empty_like_orderK(arr2, buf2_dt) ht_copy2_ev, copy2_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=arr2, dst=buf2, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=deps_ev ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_copy2_ev, copy2_ev) out = dpt.empty( res_shape, dtype=res_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q, order="C", ) ht_, dot_ev = tli._dot( x1=buf1, x2=buf2, batch_dims=0, x1_outer_dims=arr1_outer_nd, x2_outer_dims=arr2_outer_nd, inner_dims=n_axes1, dst=out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=[copy1_ev, copy2_ev], ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_, dot_ev) return out
[docs]def vecdot(x1, x2, axis=-1): r"""vecdot(x1, x2, axis=-1) Computes the (vector) dot product of two arrays. Args: x1 (usm_ndarray): first input array. x2 (usm_ndarray): second input array. Input arrays must have compatible shapes along non-contract axes according to broadcasting rules, and must have the same size along the contracted axis. Input arrays should be of numeric type. axis (Optional[int]): axis over which to compute the dot product. The axis must be an integer on the interval `[-N, -1]`, where `N` is ``min(x1.ndim, x2.ndim)``. The axis along which dot product is performed is counted backward from the last axes (that is, `-1` refers to the last axis). By default, dot product is computed over the last axis. Default: `-1`. Returns: usm_ndarray: if `x1` and `x2` are both one-dimensional arrays, a zero-dimensional array containing the dot product value is returned; otherwise, a non-zero-dimensional array containing the dot products and having rank `N-1`, where `N` is the rank of the shape of input arrays after broadcasting rules are applied to non-contracted axes. """ if not isinstance(x1, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(x1)}") if not isinstance(x2, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(x2)}") q1, x1_usm_type = x1.sycl_queue, x1.usm_type q2, x2_usm_type = x2.sycl_queue, x2.usm_type exec_q = dpctl.utils.get_execution_queue((q1, q2)) if exec_q is None: raise ExecutionPlacementError( "Execution placement can not be unambiguously inferred " "from input arguments." ) res_usm_type = dpctl.utils.get_coerced_usm_type( ( x1_usm_type, x2_usm_type, ) ) dpctl.utils.validate_usm_type(res_usm_type, allow_none=False) # axis and shape validation x1_nd = x1.ndim x2_nd = x2.ndim x1_shape = x1.shape x2_shape = x2.shape if axis >= 0: raise ValueError("`axis` must be negative") axis = operator.index(axis) x1_axis = normalize_axis_index(axis, x1_nd) x2_axis = normalize_axis_index(axis, x2_nd) if x1_shape[x1_axis] != x2_shape[x2_axis]: raise ValueError( "given axis must have the same shape for `x1` and `x2`" ) if x1_nd > x2_nd: x2_shape = (1,) * (x1_nd - x2_nd) + x2_shape elif x2_nd > x1_nd: x1_shape = (1,) * (x2_nd - x1_nd) + x1_shape try: broadcast_sh = _broadcast_shape_impl( [ x1_shape, x2_shape, ] ) except ValueError: raise ValueError("mismatch in `vecdot` dimensions") broadcast_nd = len(broadcast_sh) contracted_axis = normalize_axis_index(axis, broadcast_nd) res_sh = tuple( [broadcast_sh[i] for i in range(broadcast_nd) if i != contracted_axis] ) # type validation sycl_dev = exec_q.sycl_device x1_dtype = x1.dtype x2_dtype = x2.dtype buf1_dt, buf2_dt, res_dt = _find_buf_dtype2( x1_dtype, x2_dtype, tli._dot_result_type, sycl_dev, acceptance_fn=_acceptance_fn_default_binary, ) if res_dt is None: raise TypeError( "function 'vecdot' does not support input types " f"({x1_dtype}, {x2_dtype}), " "and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any " "supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''." ) _manager = SequentialOrderManager[exec_q] if buf1_dt is None and buf2_dt is None: if x1.dtype.kind == "c": x1_tmp = _empty_like_orderK(x1, x1.dtype) dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events ht_conj_ev, conj_ev = tei._conj( src=x1, dst=x1_tmp, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=dep_evs ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_conj_ev, conj_ev) x1 = x1_tmp if x1.shape != broadcast_sh: x1 = dpt.broadcast_to(x1, broadcast_sh) if x2.shape != broadcast_sh: x2 = dpt.broadcast_to(x2, broadcast_sh) x1 = dpt.moveaxis(x1, contracted_axis, -1) x2 = dpt.moveaxis(x2, contracted_axis, -1) out = dpt.empty( res_sh, dtype=res_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q, order="C", ) dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events ht_dot_ev, dot_ev = tli._dot( x1=x1, x2=x2, batch_dims=len(res_sh), x1_outer_dims=0, x2_outer_dims=0, inner_dims=1, dst=out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=dep_evs, ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_dot_ev, dot_ev) return dpt.reshape(out, res_sh) elif buf1_dt is None: if x1.dtype.kind == "c": x1_tmp = _empty_like_orderK(x1, x1.dtype) deps_ev = _manager.submitted_events ht_conj_ev, conj_e = tei._conj( src=x1, dst=x1_tmp, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=deps_ev ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_conj_ev, conj_e) x1 = x1_tmp buf2 = _empty_like_orderK(x2, buf2_dt) deps_ev = _manager.submitted_events ht_copy_ev, copy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=x2, dst=buf2, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=deps_ev ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_copy_ev, copy_ev) if x1.shape != broadcast_sh: x1 = dpt.broadcast_to(x1, broadcast_sh) if buf2.shape != broadcast_sh: buf2 = dpt.broadcast_to(buf2, broadcast_sh) x1 = dpt.moveaxis(x1, contracted_axis, -1) buf2 = dpt.moveaxis(buf2, contracted_axis, -1) out = dpt.empty( res_sh, dtype=res_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q, order="C", ) ht_dot_ev, dot_ev = tli._dot( x1=x1, x2=buf2, batch_dims=len(res_sh), x1_outer_dims=0, x2_outer_dims=0, inner_dims=1, dst=out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=[copy_ev], ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_dot_ev, dot_ev) return dpt.reshape(out, res_sh) elif buf2_dt is None: buf1 = _empty_like_orderK(x1, buf1_dt) deps_ev = _manager.submitted_events ht_copy_ev, copy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=x1, dst=buf1, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=deps_ev ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_copy_ev, copy_ev) if buf1.dtype.kind == "c": ht_conj_ev, conj_ev = tei._conj( src=buf1, dst=buf1, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=[copy_ev] ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_conj_ev, conj_ev) if buf1.shape != broadcast_sh: buf1 = dpt.broadcast_to(buf1, broadcast_sh) if x2.shape != broadcast_sh: x2 = dpt.broadcast_to(x2, broadcast_sh) buf1 = dpt.moveaxis(buf1, contracted_axis, -1) x2 = dpt.moveaxis(x2, contracted_axis, -1) out = dpt.empty( res_sh, dtype=res_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q, order="C", ) deps_ev = _manager.submitted_events ht_dot_ev, dot_ev = tli._dot( x1=buf1, x2=x2, batch_dims=len(res_sh), x1_outer_dims=0, x2_outer_dims=0, inner_dims=1, dst=out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=deps_ev, ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_dot_ev, dot_ev) return dpt.reshape(out, res_sh) buf1 = _empty_like_orderK(x1, buf1_dt) deps_ev = _manager.submitted_events ht_copy1_ev, copy1_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=x1, dst=buf1, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=deps_ev ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_copy1_ev, copy1_ev) if buf1.dtype.kind == "c": ht_conj_ev, conj_ev = tei._conj( src=buf1, dst=buf1, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=[copy1_ev] ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_conj_ev, conj_ev) buf2 = _empty_like_orderK(x2, buf2_dt) ht_copy2_ev, copy2_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=x2, dst=buf2, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=deps_ev ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_copy2_ev, copy2_ev) if buf1.shape != broadcast_sh: buf1 = dpt.broadcast_to(buf1, broadcast_sh) if buf2.shape != broadcast_sh: buf2 = dpt.broadcast_to(buf2, broadcast_sh) buf1 = dpt.moveaxis(buf1, contracted_axis, -1) buf2 = dpt.moveaxis(buf2, contracted_axis, -1) out = dpt.empty( res_sh, dtype=res_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q, order="C", ) deps_ev = _manager.submitted_events ht_dot_ev, dot_ev = tli._dot( x1=buf1, x2=buf2, batch_dims=len(res_sh), x1_outer_dims=0, x2_outer_dims=0, inner_dims=1, dst=out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=deps_ev, ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_dot_ev, dot_ev) return out
[docs]def matmul(x1, x2, out=None, dtype=None, order="K"): r"""matmul(x1, x2, out=None, order="K") Computes the matrix product. Implements the same semantics as the built-in operator `@`. Args: x1 (usm_ndarray): first input array. Expected to have numeric data type, and at least one dimension. If `x1` is one-dimensional having shape `(M,)`, and `x2` has more than one dimension, `x1` is effectively treated as a two-dimensional array with shape `(1, M)`, although the prepended dimension is removed from the output array. If `x1` has shape `(..., M, K)`, the innermost two dimensions form matrices on which to perform matrix multiplication. x2 (usm_ndarray): second input array. Expected to have numeric data type, and at least one dimension. If `x2` is one-dimensional having shape `(N,)`, and `x1` has more than one dimension, `x2` is effectively treated as a two-dimensional array with shape `(N, 1)`, although the appended dimension is removed from the output array. If `x2` has shape `(..., K, N)`, the innermost two dimensions form matrices on which to perform matrix multiplication. out (Optional[usm_ndarray]): the array into which the result of the matrix product is written. The data type of `out` must match the expected data type of the result or (if provided) `dtype`. If `None` then a new array is returned. Default: `None`. dtype (Optional[dtype]): data type of the returned array. If `None`, the data type of the returned array is determined by the Type Promotion Rules. Default: `None`. order (["K", "C", "F", "A"]): memory layout of the output array, if `out` is `None`, otherwise the `order` parameter value is not used. Default: `K`. Returns: usm_ndarray: * if both `x1` and `x2` are one-dimensional arrays with shape `(N,)`, returned array is a zero-dimensional array containing inner product as its only element. * if `x1` is two-dimensional array with shape `(M, K)` and `x2` is a two-dimensional array with shape `(K, N)`, returned array is a two-dimensional array with shape `(M, N)` and contains the conventional matrix product. * if `x1` is a one-dimensional array with shape `(K,)` and `x2` is an array with shape `(..., K, N)`, returned array contains the conventional matrix product and has shape `(..., N)`. * if `x1` is an array with shape `(..., M, K)` and `x2` is a one-dimensional array with shape `(K,)`, returned array has shape `(..., M)` and contains the conventional matrix product. * if `x1` is a two-dimensional array with shape `(M, K)` and `x2` is an array with shape `(..., K, N)`, returned array contains conventional matrix product for each stacked matrix and has shape `(..., M, N)`. * if `x1` has shape `(..., M, K)` and `x2` is a two-dimensional array with shape `(K, N)`, returned array contains conventional matrix product for each stacked matrix and has shape `(..., M, N)`. * if both `x1` and `x2` have more than two dimensions, returned array contains conventional matrix product for each stacked matrix and has shape determined by broadcasting rules for `x1.shape[:-2]` and `x2.shape[:-2]`. The data type of the returned array is determined by the Type Promotion Rules. If either `x1` or `x2` has a complex floating point type, neither argument is complex conjugated or transposed. """ if not isinstance(x1, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(x1)}") if not isinstance(x2, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(x2)}") if order not in ["K", "C", "F", "A"]: order = "K" q1, x1_usm_type = x1.sycl_queue, x1.usm_type q2, x2_usm_type = x2.sycl_queue, x2.usm_type exec_q = dpctl.utils.get_execution_queue((q1, q2)) if exec_q is None: raise ExecutionPlacementError( "Execution placement can not be unambiguously inferred " "from input arguments." ) res_usm_type = dpctl.utils.get_coerced_usm_type( ( x1_usm_type, x2_usm_type, ) ) dpctl.utils.validate_usm_type(res_usm_type, allow_none=False) x1_nd = x1.ndim x2_nd = x2.ndim if x1_nd == 0 or x2_nd == 0: raise ValueError("one or more operands to `matmul` is 0 dimensional") x1_shape = x1.shape x2_shape = x2.shape appended_axes = [] if x1_nd == 1: x1 = x1[dpt.newaxis, :] x1_shape = x1.shape appended_axes.append(-2) if x2_nd == 1: x2 = x2[:, dpt.newaxis] x2_shape = x2.shape appended_axes.append(-1) if x1_shape[-1] != x2_shape[-2]: raise ValueError("mismatch in `matmul` inner dimension") x1_outer_sh = x1_shape[:-2] x2_outer_sh = x2_shape[:-2] try: res_outer_sh = _broadcast_shape_impl( [ x1_outer_sh, x2_outer_sh, ] ) except ValueError: raise ValueError("mismatch in `matmul` batching dimensions") x1_broadcast_shape = res_outer_sh + x1_shape[-2:] x2_broadcast_shape = res_outer_sh + x2_shape[-2:] res_shape = res_outer_sh + x1_shape[-2:-1] + x2_shape[-1:] sycl_dev = exec_q.sycl_device x1_dtype = x1.dtype x2_dtype = x2.dtype if dtype is None: buf1_dt, buf2_dt, res_dt = _find_buf_dtype2( x1_dtype, x2_dtype, tli._dot_result_type, sycl_dev, acceptance_fn=_acceptance_fn_default_binary, ) if res_dt is None: raise ValueError( "function 'matmul' does not support input types " f"({x1_dtype}, {x2_dtype}), " "and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any " "supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''." ) else: res_dt = dpt.dtype(dtype) res_dt = _to_device_supported_dtype(res_dt, sycl_dev) buf1_dt, buf2_dt = None, None if x1_dtype != res_dt: if dpt.can_cast(x1_dtype, res_dt, casting="same_kind"): buf1_dt = res_dt else: raise ValueError( r"`matmul` input `x1` cannot be cast from " f"{x1_dtype} to " f"requested type {res_dt} according to the casting rule " "''same_kind''." ) if x2_dtype != res_dt: if dpt.can_cast(x2_dtype, res_dt, casting="same_kind"): buf2_dt = res_dt else: raise ValueError( r"`matmul` input `x2` cannot be cast from " f"{x2_dtype} to " f"requested type {res_dt} according to the casting rule " "''same_kind''." ) orig_out = out if out is not None: if not isinstance(out, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError( f"output array must be of usm_ndarray type, got {type(out)}" ) if not out.flags.writable: raise ValueError("provided `out` array is read-only") final_res_shape = tuple( res_shape[i] for i in range(-len(res_shape), 0) if i not in appended_axes ) if out.shape != final_res_shape: raise ValueError( "The shape of input and output arrays are inconsistent. " f"Expected output shape is {final_res_shape}, got {out.shape}" ) if appended_axes: out = dpt.expand_dims(out, axis=appended_axes) orig_out = out if res_dt != out.dtype: raise ValueError( f"Output array of type {res_dt} is needed, got {out.dtype}" ) if dpctl.utils.get_execution_queue((exec_q, out.sycl_queue)) is None: raise ExecutionPlacementError( "Input and output allocation queues are not compatible" ) if ti._array_overlap(x1, out) and buf1_dt is None: out = dpt.empty_like(out) if ti._array_overlap(x2, out) and buf2_dt is None: # should not reach if out is reallocated # after being checked against x1 out = dpt.empty_like(out) if order == "A": order = ( "F" if all( arr.flags.f_contiguous for arr in ( x1, x2, ) ) else "C" ) _manager = SequentialOrderManager[exec_q] if buf1_dt is None and buf2_dt is None: if out is None: if order == "K": out = _empty_like_pair_orderK( x1, x2, res_dt, res_shape, res_usm_type, exec_q ) else: out = dpt.empty( res_shape, dtype=res_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q, order=order, ) if x1.shape != x1_broadcast_shape: x1 = dpt.broadcast_to(x1, x1_broadcast_shape) if x2.shape != x2_broadcast_shape: x2 = dpt.broadcast_to(x2, x2_broadcast_shape) deps_evs = _manager.submitted_events ht_dot_ev, dot_ev = tli._dot( x1=x1, x2=x2, batch_dims=len(res_shape[:-2]), x1_outer_dims=1, x2_outer_dims=1, inner_dims=1, dst=out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=deps_evs, ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_dot_ev, dot_ev) if not (orig_out is None or orig_out is out): # Copy the out data from temporary buffer to original memory ht_copy_out_ev, cpy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=out, dst=orig_out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=[dot_ev], ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_copy_out_ev, cpy_ev) out = orig_out if appended_axes: out = dpt.squeeze(out, tuple(appended_axes)) return out elif buf1_dt is None: if order == "K": buf2 = _empty_like_orderK(x2, buf2_dt) else: buf2 = dpt.empty_like(x2, dtype=buf2_dt, order=order) deps_evs = _manager.submitted_events ht_copy_ev, copy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=x2, dst=buf2, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=deps_evs ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_copy_ev, copy_ev) if out is None: if order == "K": out = _empty_like_pair_orderK( x1, buf2, res_dt, res_shape, res_usm_type, exec_q ) else: out = dpt.empty( res_shape, dtype=res_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q, order=order, ) if x1.shape != x1_broadcast_shape: x1 = dpt.broadcast_to(x1, x1_broadcast_shape) if buf2.shape != x2_broadcast_shape: buf2 = dpt.broadcast_to(buf2, x2_broadcast_shape) ht_dot_ev, dot_ev = tli._dot( x1=x1, x2=buf2, batch_dims=len(res_shape[:-2]), x1_outer_dims=1, x2_outer_dims=1, inner_dims=1, dst=out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=[copy_ev], ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_dot_ev, dot_ev) if not (orig_out is None or orig_out is out): # Copy the out data from temporary buffer to original memory ht_copy_out_ev, cpy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=out, dst=orig_out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=[dot_ev], ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_copy_out_ev, cpy_ev) out = orig_out if appended_axes: out = dpt.squeeze(out, tuple(appended_axes)) return out elif buf2_dt is None: if order == "K": buf1 = _empty_like_orderK(x1, buf1_dt) else: buf1 = dpt.empty_like(x1, dtype=buf1_dt, order=order) deps_ev = _manager.submitted_events ht_copy_ev, copy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=x1, dst=buf1, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=deps_ev ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_copy_ev, copy_ev) if out is None: if order == "K": out = _empty_like_pair_orderK( buf1, x2, res_dt, res_shape, res_usm_type, exec_q ) else: out = dpt.empty( res_shape, dtype=res_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q, order=order, ) if buf1.shape != x1_broadcast_shape: buf1 = dpt.broadcast_to(buf1, x1_broadcast_shape) if x2.shape != x2_broadcast_shape: x2 = dpt.broadcast_to(x2, x2_broadcast_shape) ht_dot_ev, dot_ev = tli._dot( x1=buf1, x2=x2, batch_dims=len(res_shape[:-2]), x1_outer_dims=1, x2_outer_dims=1, inner_dims=1, dst=out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=[copy_ev], ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_dot_ev, dot_ev) if not (orig_out is None or orig_out is out): # Copy the out data from temporary buffer to original memory ht_copy_out_ev, cpy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=out, dst=orig_out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=[dot_ev], ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_copy_out_ev, cpy_ev) out = orig_out if appended_axes: out = dpt.squeeze(out, tuple(appended_axes)) return out if order == "K": if x1.flags.c_contiguous and x2.flags.c_contiguous: order = "C" elif x1.flags.f_contiguous and x2.flags.f_contiguous: order = "F" if order == "K": buf1 = _empty_like_orderK(x1, buf1_dt) else: buf1 = dpt.empty_like(x1, dtype=buf1_dt, order=order) deps_ev = _manager.submitted_events ht_copy1_ev, copy1_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=x1, dst=buf1, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=deps_ev ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_copy1_ev, copy1_ev) if order == "K": buf2 = _empty_like_orderK(x2, buf2_dt) else: buf2 = dpt.empty_like(x2, dtype=buf2_dt, order=order) ht_copy2_ev, copy2_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=x2, dst=buf2, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=deps_ev ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_copy2_ev, copy2_ev) if out is None: if order == "K": out = _empty_like_pair_orderK( buf1, buf2, res_dt, res_shape, res_usm_type, exec_q ) else: out = dpt.empty( res_shape, dtype=res_dt, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q, order=order, ) if buf1.shape != x1_broadcast_shape: buf1 = dpt.broadcast_to(buf1, x1_broadcast_shape) if buf2.shape != x2_broadcast_shape: buf2 = dpt.broadcast_to(buf2, x2_broadcast_shape) ht_, dot_ev = tli._dot( x1=buf1, x2=buf2, batch_dims=len(res_shape[:-2]), x1_outer_dims=1, x2_outer_dims=1, inner_dims=1, dst=out, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=[copy1_ev, copy2_ev], ) _manager.add_event_pair(ht_, dot_ev) if appended_axes: out = dpt.squeeze(out, tuple(appended_axes)) return out