Source code for dpctl.tensor._ctors

#                       Data Parallel Control (dpctl)
#  Copyright 2020-2025 Intel Corporation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import operator
from numbers import Number

import numpy as np

import dpctl
import dpctl.memory as dpm
import dpctl.tensor as dpt
import dpctl.tensor._tensor_impl as ti
import dpctl.utils
from dpctl.tensor._copy_utils import _empty_like_orderK
from dpctl.tensor._data_types import _get_dtype
from dpctl.tensor._device import normalize_queue_device
from dpctl.tensor._usmarray import _is_object_with_buffer_protocol

__doc__ = "Implementation of creation functions in :module:`dpctl.tensor`"

_empty_tuple = tuple()
_host_set = frozenset([None])

def _array_info_dispatch(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, dpt.usm_ndarray):
        return obj.shape, obj.dtype, frozenset([obj.sycl_queue])
    if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
        return obj.shape, obj.dtype, _host_set
    if isinstance(obj, range):
        return (len(obj),), int, _host_set
    if isinstance(obj, bool):
        return _empty_tuple, bool, _host_set
    if isinstance(obj, float):
        return _empty_tuple, float, _host_set
    if isinstance(obj, int):
        return _empty_tuple, int, _host_set
    if isinstance(obj, complex):
        return _empty_tuple, complex, _host_set
    if isinstance(
        return _array_info_sequence(obj)
    if _is_object_with_buffer_protocol(obj):
        np_obj = np.array(obj)
        return np_obj.shape, np_obj.dtype, _host_set
    if hasattr(obj, "__sycl_usm_array_interface__"):
        usm_ar = _usm_ndarray_from_suai(obj)
        return usm_ar.shape, usm_ar.dtype, frozenset([usm_ar.sycl_queue])
    raise ValueError(type(obj))

def _array_info_sequence(li):
    if not isinstance(li, (list, tuple, range)):
        raise TypeError(f"Expected list, tuple, or range, got {type(li)}")
    n = len(li)
    dim = None
    dt = None
    device = frozenset()
    for el in li:
        el_dim, el_dt, el_dev = _array_info_dispatch(el)
        if dim is None:
            dim = el_dim
            dt = np.promote_types(el_dt, el_dt)
            device = device.union(el_dev)
        elif el_dim == dim:
            dt = np.promote_types(dt, el_dt)
            device = device.union(el_dev)
            raise ValueError(f"Inconsistent dimensions, {dim} and {el_dim}")
    if dim is None:
        dim = tuple()
        dt = float
        device = _host_set
    return (n,) + dim, dt, device

def _asarray_from_usm_ndarray(
    if not isinstance(usm_ndary, dpt.usm_ndarray):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Expected dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(usm_ndary)}"
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = usm_ndary.dtype
    if usm_type is None:
        usm_type = usm_ndary.usm_type
    if sycl_queue is not None:
        exec_q = dpctl.utils.get_execution_queue(
            [usm_ndary.sycl_queue, sycl_queue]
        copy_q = normalize_queue_device(sycl_queue=sycl_queue, device=exec_q)
        copy_q = usm_ndary.sycl_queue
    # Conditions for zero copy:
    can_zero_copy = copy is not True
    #    dtype is unchanged
    can_zero_copy = can_zero_copy and dtype == usm_ndary.dtype
    #    USM allocation type is unchanged
    can_zero_copy = can_zero_copy and usm_type == usm_ndary.usm_type
    #    sycl_queue is unchanged
    can_zero_copy = can_zero_copy and copy_q is usm_ndary.sycl_queue
    #    order is unchanged
    c_contig = usm_ndary.flags.c_contiguous
    f_contig = usm_ndary.flags.f_contiguous
    fc_contig = usm_ndary.flags.forc
    if can_zero_copy:
        if order == "C" and c_contig:
        elif order == "F" and f_contig:
        elif order == "A" and fc_contig:
        elif order == "K":
            can_zero_copy = False
    if copy is False and can_zero_copy is False:
        raise ValueError("asarray(..., copy=False) is not possible")
    if can_zero_copy:
        return usm_ndary
    if order == "A":
        order = "F" if f_contig and not c_contig else "C"
    if order == "K" and fc_contig:
        order = "C" if c_contig else "F"
    if order == "K":
        _ensure_native_dtype_device_support(dtype, copy_q.sycl_device)
        res = _empty_like_orderK(usm_ndary, dtype, usm_type, copy_q)
        _ensure_native_dtype_device_support(dtype, copy_q.sycl_device)
        res = dpt.usm_ndarray(
            buffer_ctor_kwargs={"queue": copy_q},
    eq = dpctl.utils.get_execution_queue([usm_ndary.sycl_queue, copy_q])
    if eq is not None:
        _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[eq]
        dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events
        hev, cpy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray(
            src=usm_ndary, dst=res, sycl_queue=eq, depends=dep_evs
        _manager.add_event_pair(hev, cpy_ev)
        tmp = dpt.asnumpy(usm_ndary)
        res[...] = tmp
    return res

def _map_to_device_dtype(dt, q):
    dtc = dt.char
    if dtc == "?" or np.issubdtype(dt, np.integer):
        return dt
    d = q.sycl_device
    if np.issubdtype(dt, np.floating):
        if dtc == "f":
            return dt
        if dtc == "d" and d.has_aspect_fp64:
            return dt
        if dtc == "e" and d.has_aspect_fp16:
            return dt
        return dpt.dtype("f4")
    if np.issubdtype(dt, np.complexfloating):
        if dtc == "F":
            return dt
        if dtc == "D" and d.has_aspect_fp64:
            return dt
        return dpt.dtype("c8")
    raise RuntimeError(f"Unrecognized data type '{dt}' encountered.")

def _usm_ndarray_from_suai(obj):
    sua_iface = getattr(obj, "__sycl_usm_array_interface__")
    membuf = dpm.as_usm_memory(obj)
    ary = dpt.usm_ndarray(
        strides=sua_iface.get("strides", None),
    _data_field = sua_iface["data"]
    if isinstance(_data_field, tuple) and len(_data_field) > 1:
        ro_field = _data_field[1]
        ro_field = False
    if ro_field:
        ary.flags["W"] = False
    return ary

def _asarray_from_numpy_ndarray(
    ary, dtype=None, usm_type=None, sycl_queue=None, order="K"
    if not isinstance(ary, np.ndarray):
        raise TypeError(f"Expected numpy.ndarray, got {type(ary)}")
    if usm_type is None:
        usm_type = "device"
    copy_q = normalize_queue_device(sycl_queue=None, device=sycl_queue)
    if ary.dtype.char not in "?bBhHiIlLqQefdFD":
        raise TypeError(
            f"Numpy array of data type {ary.dtype} is not supported. "
            "Please convert the input to an array with numeric data type."
    if dtype is None:
        # deduce device-representable output data type
        dtype = _map_to_device_dtype(ary.dtype, copy_q)
    f_contig = ary.flags["F"]
    c_contig = ary.flags["C"]
    fc_contig = f_contig or c_contig
    if order == "A":
        order = "F" if f_contig and not c_contig else "C"
    if order == "K" and fc_contig:
        order = "C" if c_contig else "F"
    if order == "K":
        # new USM allocation
        _ensure_native_dtype_device_support(dtype, copy_q.sycl_device)
        res = dpt.usm_ndarray(
            buffer_ctor_kwargs={"queue": copy_q},
        original_strides = ary.strides
        ind = sorted(
            key=lambda i: abs(original_strides[i]),
        new_strides = tuple(res.strides[ind[i]] for i in ind)
        # reuse previously made USM allocation
        res = dpt.usm_ndarray(
            res.shape, dtype=res.dtype, buffer=res.usm_data, strides=new_strides
        _ensure_native_dtype_device_support(dtype, copy_q.sycl_device)
        res = dpt.usm_ndarray(
            buffer_ctor_kwargs={"queue": copy_q},
    res[...] = ary
    return res

def _ensure_native_dtype_device_support(dtype, dev) -> None:
    """Check that dtype is natively supported by device.

            Elemental data-type
        dev (:class:`dpctl.SyclDevice`):
            The device about which the query is being made.
            if device does not natively support this `dtype`.
    if dtype in [dpt.float64, dpt.complex128] and not dev.has_aspect_fp64:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Device {} does not provide native support "
            "for double-precision floating point type."
    if (
        in [
        and not dev.has_aspect_fp16
        raise ValueError(
            f"Device {} does not provide native support "
            "for half-precision floating point type."

def _usm_types_walker(o, usm_types_list):
    if isinstance(o, dpt.usm_ndarray):
    if hasattr(o, "__sycl_usm_array_interface__"):
        usm_ar = _usm_ndarray_from_suai(o)
    if _is_object_with_buffer_protocol(o):
    if isinstance(o, (int, bool, float, complex)):
    if isinstance(o, (list, tuple, range)):
        for el in o:
            _usm_types_walker(el, usm_types_list)
    raise TypeError

def _device_copy_walker(seq_o, res, _manager):
    if isinstance(seq_o, dpt.usm_ndarray):
        exec_q = res.sycl_queue
        deps = _manager.submitted_events
        ht_ev, cpy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray(
            src=seq_o, dst=res, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=deps
        _manager.add_event_pair(ht_ev, cpy_ev)
    if hasattr(seq_o, "__sycl_usm_array_interface__"):
        usm_ar = _usm_ndarray_from_suai(seq_o)
        exec_q = res.sycl_queue
        deps = _manager.submitted_events
        ht_ev, cpy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray(
            src=usm_ar, dst=res, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=deps
        _manager.add_event_pair(ht_ev, cpy_ev)
    if isinstance(seq_o, (list, tuple)):
        for i, el in enumerate(seq_o):
            _device_copy_walker(el, res[i], _manager)
    raise TypeError

def _copy_through_host_walker(seq_o, usm_res):
    if isinstance(seq_o, dpt.usm_ndarray):
        if (
            is None
            usm_res[...] = dpt.asnumpy(seq_o).copy()
            usm_res[...] = seq_o
    if hasattr(seq_o, "__sycl_usm_array_interface__"):
        usm_ar = _usm_ndarray_from_suai(seq_o)
        if (
            is None
            usm_res[...] = dpt.asnumpy(usm_ar).copy()
            usm_res[...] = usm_ar
    if _is_object_with_buffer_protocol(seq_o):
        np_ar = np.asarray(seq_o)
        usm_res[...] = np_ar
    if isinstance(seq_o, (list, tuple)):
        for i, el in enumerate(seq_o):
            _copy_through_host_walker(el, usm_res[i])
    usm_res[...] = np.asarray(seq_o)

def _asarray_from_seq(
    "`seq_obj` is a sequence"
    if usm_type is None:
        usm_types_in_seq = []
        _usm_types_walker(seq_obj, usm_types_in_seq)
        usm_type = dpctl.utils.get_coerced_usm_type(usm_types_in_seq)
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = _map_to_device_dtype(seq_dt, alloc_q)
        _mapped_dt = _map_to_device_dtype(dtype, alloc_q)
        if _mapped_dt != dtype:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Device {alloc_q.sycl_device} "
                f"does not support {dtype} natively."
        dtype = _mapped_dt
    if order in "KA":
        order = "C"
    if isinstance(exec_q, dpctl.SyclQueue):
        res = dpt.empty(
        _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[exec_q]
        _device_copy_walker(seq_obj, res, _manager)
        return res
        res = dpt.empty(
        _copy_through_host_walker(seq_obj, res)
        return res

def _asarray_from_seq_single_device(
    if sycl_queue is None:
        exec_q = seq_dev
        alloc_q = seq_dev
        exec_q = dpctl.utils.get_execution_queue(
        alloc_q = sycl_queue
    return _asarray_from_seq(

[docs]def asarray( obj, /, *, dtype=None, device=None, copy=None, usm_type=None, sycl_queue=None, order="K", ): """ Converts input object to :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray`. Args: obj: Python object to convert. Can be an instance of :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray`, an object representing SYCL USM allocation and implementing ``__sycl_usm_array_interface__`` protocol, an instance of :class:`numpy.ndarray`, an object supporting Python buffer protocol, a Python scalar, or a (possibly nested) sequence of Python scalars. dtype (data type, optional): output array data type. If ``dtype`` is ``None``, the output array data type is inferred from data types in ``obj``. Default: ``None`` copy (`bool`, optional): boolean indicating whether or not to copy the input. If ``True``, always creates a copy. If ``False``, the need to copy raises :exc:`ValueError`. If ``None``, tries to reuse existing memory allocations if possible, but allows to perform a copy otherwise. Default: ``None`` order (``"C"``, ``"F"``, ``"A"``, ``"K"``, optional): memory layout of the output array. Default: ``"K"`` device (optional): array API concept of device where the output array is created. ``device`` can be ``None``, a oneAPI filter selector string, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclDevice` corresponding to a non-partitioned SYCL device, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, or a :class:`dpctl.tensor.Device` object returned by :attr:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray.device`. Default: ``None`` usm_type (``"device"``, ``"shared"``, ``"host"``, optional): The type of SYCL USM allocation for the output array. Default: ``"device"`` sycl_queue (:class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, optional): The SYCL queue to use for output array allocation and copying. ``sycl_queue`` and ``device`` are complementary arguments, i.e. use one or another. If both are specified, a :exc:`TypeError` is raised unless both imply the same underlying SYCL queue to be used. If both are ``None``, a cached queue targeting default-selected device is used for allocation and population. Default: ``None`` Returns: usm_ndarray: Array created from input object. """ # 1. Check that copy is a valid keyword if copy not in [None, True, False]: raise TypeError( "Recognized copy keyword values should be True, False, or None" ) # 2. Check that dtype is None, or a valid dtype if dtype is not None: dtype = dpt.dtype(dtype) # 3. Validate order if not isinstance(order, str): raise TypeError( f"Expected order keyword to be of type str, got {type(order)}" ) if len(order) == 0 or order[0] not in "KkAaCcFf": raise ValueError( "Unrecognized order keyword value, expecting 'K', 'A', 'F', or 'C'." ) order = order[0].upper() # 4. Check that usm_type is None, or a valid value dpctl.utils.validate_usm_type(usm_type, allow_none=True) # 5. Normalize device/sycl_queue [keep it None if was None] if device is not None or sycl_queue is not None: sycl_queue = normalize_queue_device( sycl_queue=sycl_queue, device=device ) # handle instance(obj, usm_ndarray) if isinstance(obj, dpt.usm_ndarray): return _asarray_from_usm_ndarray( obj, dtype=dtype, copy=copy, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, order=order, ) if hasattr(obj, "__sycl_usm_array_interface__"): ary = _usm_ndarray_from_suai(obj) return _asarray_from_usm_ndarray( ary, dtype=dtype, copy=copy, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, order=order, ) if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): if copy is False: raise ValueError( "Converting numpy.ndarray to usm_ndarray requires a copy" ) return _asarray_from_numpy_ndarray( obj, dtype=dtype, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, order=order, ) if _is_object_with_buffer_protocol(obj): if copy is False: raise ValueError( f"Converting {type(obj)} to usm_ndarray requires a copy" ) return _asarray_from_numpy_ndarray( np.array(obj), dtype=dtype, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, order=order, ) if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, range)): if copy is False: raise ValueError( "Converting Python sequence to usm_ndarray requires a copy" ) seq_shape, seq_dt, devs = _array_info_sequence(obj) if devs == _host_set: return _asarray_from_numpy_ndarray( np.asarray(obj, dtype=dtype, order=order), dtype=dtype, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, order=order, ) elif len(devs) == 1: seq_dev = list(devs)[0] return _asarray_from_seq_single_device( obj, seq_shape, seq_dt, seq_dev, dtype=dtype, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, order=order, ) elif len(devs) > 1: devs = [dev for dev in devs if dev is not None] if sycl_queue is None: if len(devs) == 1: alloc_q = devs[0] else: raise dpctl.utils.ExecutionPlacementError( "Please specify `device` or `sycl_queue` keyword " "argument to determine where to allocate the " "resulting array." ) else: alloc_q = sycl_queue return _asarray_from_seq( obj, seq_shape, seq_dt, alloc_q, # force copying via host None, dtype=dtype, usm_type=usm_type, order=order, ) if copy is False: raise ValueError( f"Converting {type(obj)} to usm_ndarray requires a copy" ) # obj is a scalar, create 0d array return _asarray_from_numpy_ndarray( np.asarray(obj, dtype=dtype), dtype=dtype, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, order="C", )
[docs]def empty( shape, *, dtype=None, order="C", device=None, usm_type="device", sycl_queue=None, ): """ Creates :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray` from uninitialized USM allocation. Args: shape (Tuple[int], int): Dimensions of the array to be created. dtype (optional): data type of the array. Can be typestring, a :class:`numpy.dtype` object, :mod:`numpy` char string, or a NumPy scalar type. The ``None`` value creates an array of floating point data type. Default: ``None`` order (``"C"``, or ``F"``): memory layout for the array. Default: ``"C"`` device (optional): array API concept of device where the output array is created. ``device`` can be ``None``, a oneAPI filter selector string, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclDevice` corresponding to a non-partitioned SYCL device, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, or a :class:`dpctl.tensor.Device` object returned by :attr:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray.device`. Default: ``None`` usm_type (``"device"``, ``"shared"``, ``"host"``, optional): The type of SYCL USM allocation for the output array. Default: ``"device"`` sycl_queue (:class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, optional): The SYCL queue to use for output array allocation and copying. ``sycl_queue`` and ``device`` are complementary arguments, i.e. use one or another. If both are specified, a :exc:`TypeError` is raised unless both imply the same underlying SYCL queue to be used. If both are ``None``, a cached queue targeting default-selected device is used for allocation and population. Default: ``None`` Returns: usm_ndarray: Created empty array. """ if not isinstance(order, str) or len(order) == 0 or order[0] not in "CcFf": raise ValueError( "Unrecognized order keyword value, expecting 'F' or 'C'." ) order = order[0].upper() dpctl.utils.validate_usm_type(usm_type, allow_none=False) sycl_queue = normalize_queue_device(sycl_queue=sycl_queue, device=device) dtype = _get_dtype(dtype, sycl_queue) _ensure_native_dtype_device_support(dtype, sycl_queue.sycl_device) res = dpt.usm_ndarray( shape, dtype=dtype, buffer=usm_type, order=order, buffer_ctor_kwargs={"queue": sycl_queue}, ) return res
def _coerce_and_infer_dt(*args, dt, sycl_queue, err_msg, allow_bool=False): "Deduce arange type from sequence spec" nd, seq_dt, d = _array_info_sequence(args) if d != _host_set or nd != (len(args),): raise ValueError(err_msg) dt = _get_dtype(dt, sycl_queue, ref_type=seq_dt) if np.issubdtype(dt, np.integer): return tuple(int(v) for v in args), dt if np.issubdtype(dt, np.floating): return tuple(float(v) for v in args), dt if np.issubdtype(dt, np.complexfloating): return tuple(complex(v) for v in args), dt if allow_bool and dt.char == "?": return tuple(bool(v) for v in args), dt raise ValueError(f"Data type {dt} is not supported") def _round_for_arange(tmp): k = int(tmp) if k >= 0 and float(k) < tmp: tmp = tmp + 1 return tmp def _get_arange_length(start, stop, step): "Compute length of arange sequence" span = stop - start if hasattr(step, "__float__") and hasattr(span, "__float__"): return _round_for_arange(span / step) tmp = span / step if hasattr(tmp, "__complex__"): tmp = complex(tmp) tmp = tmp.real else: tmp = float(tmp) return _round_for_arange(tmp) def _to_scalar(obj, sc_ty): """A way to convert object to NumPy scalar type. Raises OverflowError if obj can not be represented using the requested scalar type. """ zd_arr = np.asarray(obj, dtype=sc_ty) return zd_arr[tuple()]
[docs]def arange( start, /, stop=None, step=1, *, dtype=None, device=None, usm_type="device", sycl_queue=None, ): """ Returns evenly spaced values within the half-open interval [start, stop) as a one-dimensional array. Args: start: Starting point of the interval stop: Ending point of the interval. Default: ``None`` step: Increment of the returned sequence. Default: ``1`` dtype: Output array data type. Default: ``None`` device (optional): array API concept of device where the output array is created. ``device`` can be ``None``, a oneAPI filter selector string, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclDevice` corresponding to a non-partitioned SYCL device, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, or a :class:`dpctl.tensor.Device` object returned by :attr:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray.device`. Default: ``None`` usm_type (``"device"``, ``"shared"``, ``"host"``, optional): The type of SYCL USM allocation for the output array. Default: ``"device"`` sycl_queue (:class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, optional): The SYCL queue to use for output array allocation and copying. ``sycl_queue`` and ``device`` are complementary arguments, i.e. use one or another. If both are specified, a :exc:`TypeError` is raised unless both imply the same underlying SYCL queue to be used. If both are ``None``, a cached queue targeting default-selected device is used for allocation and population. Default: ``None`` Returns: usm_ndarray: Array populated with evenly spaced values. """ if stop is None: stop = start start = 0 if step is None: step = 1 dpctl.utils.validate_usm_type(usm_type, allow_none=False) sycl_queue = normalize_queue_device(sycl_queue=sycl_queue, device=device) is_bool = False if dtype: is_bool = (dtype is bool) or (dpt.dtype(dtype) == dpt.bool) _, dt = _coerce_and_infer_dt( start, stop, step, dt=dpt.int8 if is_bool else dtype, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, err_msg="start, stop, and step must be Python scalars", allow_bool=False, ) try: tmp = _get_arange_length(start, stop, step) sh = max(int(tmp), 0) except TypeError: sh = 0 if is_bool and sh > 2: raise ValueError("no fill-function for boolean data type") res = dpt.usm_ndarray( (sh,), dtype=dt, buffer=usm_type, order="C", buffer_ctor_kwargs={"queue": sycl_queue}, ) sc_ty = dt.type _first = _to_scalar(start, sc_ty) if sh > 1: _second = _to_scalar(start + step, sc_ty) if dt in [dpt.uint8, dpt.uint16, dpt.uint32, dpt.uint64]: int64_ty = dpt.int64.type _step = int64_ty(_second) - int64_ty(_first) else: _step = _second - _first _step = sc_ty(_step) else: _step = sc_ty(1) _start = _first _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[sycl_queue] # populating newly allocated array, no task dependencies hev, lin_ev = ti._linspace_step(_start, _step, res, sycl_queue) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, lin_ev) if is_bool: res_out = dpt.usm_ndarray( (sh,), dtype=dpt.bool, buffer=usm_type, order="C", buffer_ctor_kwargs={"queue": sycl_queue}, ) hev_cpy, cpy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=res, dst=res_out, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, depends=[lin_ev] ) _manager.add_event_pair(hev_cpy, cpy_ev) return res_out return res
[docs]def zeros( shape, *, dtype=None, order="C", device=None, usm_type="device", sycl_queue=None, ): """ Returns a new :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray` having a specified shape and filled with zeros. Args: shape (Tuple[int], int): Dimensions of the array to be created. dtype (optional): data type of the array. Can be typestring, a :class:`numpy.dtype` object, :mod:`numpy` char string, or a NumPy scalar type. Default: ``None`` order ("C", or "F"): memory layout for the array. Default: ``"C"`` device (optional): array API concept of device where the output array is created. ``device`` can be ``None``, a oneAPI filter selector string, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclDevice` corresponding to a non-partitioned SYCL device, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, or a :class:`dpctl.tensor.Device` object returned by :attr:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray.device`. Default: ``None`` usm_type (``"device"``, ``"shared"``, ``"host"``, optional): The type of SYCL USM allocation for the output array. Default: ``"device"`` sycl_queue (:class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, optional): The SYCL queue to use for output array allocation and copying. ``sycl_queue`` and ``device`` are complementary arguments, i.e. use one or another. If both are specified, a :exc:`TypeError` is raised unless both imply the same underlying SYCL queue to be used. If both are ``None``, a cached queue targeting default-selected device is used for allocation and population. Default: ``None`` Returns: usm_ndarray: Constructed array initialized with zeros. """ if not isinstance(order, str) or len(order) == 0 or order[0] not in "CcFf": raise ValueError( "Unrecognized order keyword value, expecting 'F' or 'C'." ) order = order[0].upper() dpctl.utils.validate_usm_type(usm_type, allow_none=False) sycl_queue = normalize_queue_device(sycl_queue=sycl_queue, device=device) dtype = _get_dtype(dtype, sycl_queue) _ensure_native_dtype_device_support(dtype, sycl_queue.sycl_device) res = dpt.usm_ndarray( shape, dtype=dtype, buffer=usm_type, order=order, buffer_ctor_kwargs={"queue": sycl_queue}, ) _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[sycl_queue] # populating new allocation, no dependent events hev, zeros_ev = ti._zeros_usm_ndarray(res, sycl_queue) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, zeros_ev) return res
[docs]def ones( shape, *, dtype=None, order="C", device=None, usm_type="device", sycl_queue=None, ): """ ones(shape, dtype=None, order="C", \ device=None, usm_type="device", sycl_queue=None) Returns a new :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray` having a specified shape and filled with ones. Args: shape (Tuple[int], int): Dimensions of the array to be created. dtype (optional): data type of the array. Can be typestring, a :class:`numpy.dtype` object, :mod:`numpy` char string, or a NumPy scalar type. Default: ``None`` order ("C", or "F"): memory layout for the array. Default: ``"C"`` device (optional): array API concept of device where the output array is created. ``device`` can be ``None``, a oneAPI filter selector string, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclDevice` corresponding to a non-partitioned SYCL device, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, or a :class:`dpctl.tensor.Device` object returned by :attr:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray.device`. Default: ``None`` usm_type (``"device"``, ``"shared"``, ``"host"``, optional): The type of SYCL USM allocation for the output array. Default: ``"device"`` sycl_queue (:class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, optional): The SYCL queue to use for output array allocation and copying. ``sycl_queue`` and ``device`` are complementary arguments, i.e. use one or another. If both are specified, a :exc:`TypeError` is raised unless both imply the same underlying SYCL queue to be used. If both are ``None``, a cached queue targeting default-selected device is used for allocation and population. Default: ``None`` Returns: usm_ndarray: Created array initialized with ones. """ if not isinstance(order, str) or len(order) == 0 or order[0] not in "CcFf": raise ValueError( "Unrecognized order keyword value, expecting 'F' or 'C'." ) order = order[0].upper() dpctl.utils.validate_usm_type(usm_type, allow_none=False) sycl_queue = normalize_queue_device(sycl_queue=sycl_queue, device=device) dtype = _get_dtype(dtype, sycl_queue) res = dpt.usm_ndarray( shape, dtype=dtype, buffer=usm_type, order=order, buffer_ctor_kwargs={"queue": sycl_queue}, ) _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[sycl_queue] # populating new allocation, no dependent events hev, full_ev = ti._full_usm_ndarray(1, res, sycl_queue) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, full_ev) return res
def _cast_fill_val(fill_val, dt): """ Casts the Python scalar `fill_val` to another Python type coercible to the requested data type `dt`, if necessary. """ val_type = type(fill_val) if val_type in [float, complex] and np.issubdtype(dt, np.integer): return int(fill_val.real) elif val_type is complex and np.issubdtype(dt, np.floating): return fill_val.real elif val_type is int and np.issubdtype(dt, np.integer): return _to_scalar(fill_val, dt) else: return fill_val def _validate_fill_value(fill_val): """ Validates that `fill_val` is a numeric or boolean scalar. """ # TODO: verify if `np.True_` and `np.False_` should be instances of # Number in NumPy, like other NumPy scalars and like Python bools # check for `np.bool_` separately as NumPy<2 has no `np.bool` if not isinstance(fill_val, Number) and not isinstance(fill_val, np.bool_): raise TypeError( f"array cannot be filled with scalar of type {type(fill_val)}" )
[docs]def full( shape, fill_value, *, dtype=None, order="C", device=None, usm_type=None, sycl_queue=None, ): """ Returns a new :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray` having a specified shape and filled with `fill_value`. Args: shape (tuple): Dimensions of the array to be created. fill_value (int,float,complex,usm_ndarray): fill value dtype (optional): data type of the array. Can be typestring, a :class:`numpy.dtype` object, :mod:`numpy` char string, or a NumPy scalar type. Default: ``None`` order ("C", or "F"): memory layout for the array. Default: ``"C"`` device (optional): array API concept of device where the output array is created. ``device`` can be ``None``, a oneAPI filter selector string, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclDevice` corresponding to a non-partitioned SYCL device, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, or a :class:`dpctl.tensor.Device` object returned by :attr:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray.device`. Default: ``None`` usm_type (``"device"``, ``"shared"``, ``"host"``, optional): The type of SYCL USM allocation for the output array. Default: ``"device"`` sycl_queue (:class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, optional): The SYCL queue to use for output array allocation and copying. ``sycl_queue`` and ``device`` are complementary arguments, i.e. use one or another. If both are specified, a :exc:`TypeError` is raised unless both imply the same underlying SYCL queue to be used. If both are ``None``, a cached queue targeting default-selected device is used for allocation and population. Default: ``None`` Returns: usm_ndarray: New array initialized with given value. """ if not isinstance(order, str) or len(order) == 0 or order[0] not in "CcFf": raise ValueError( "Unrecognized order keyword value, expecting 'F' or 'C'." ) order = order[0].upper() dpctl.utils.validate_usm_type(usm_type, allow_none=True) if isinstance(fill_value, (dpt.usm_ndarray, np.ndarray, tuple, list)): if ( isinstance(fill_value, dpt.usm_ndarray) and sycl_queue is None and device is None ): sycl_queue = fill_value.sycl_queue else: sycl_queue = normalize_queue_device( sycl_queue=sycl_queue, device=device ) X = dpt.asarray( fill_value, dtype=dtype, order=order, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, ) return dpt.copy(dpt.broadcast_to(X, shape), order=order) else: _validate_fill_value(fill_value) sycl_queue = normalize_queue_device(sycl_queue=sycl_queue, device=device) usm_type = usm_type if usm_type is not None else "device" dtype = _get_dtype(dtype, sycl_queue, ref_type=type(fill_value)) res = dpt.usm_ndarray( shape, dtype=dtype, buffer=usm_type, order=order, buffer_ctor_kwargs={"queue": sycl_queue}, ) fill_value = _cast_fill_val(fill_value, dtype) _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[sycl_queue] # populating new allocation, no dependent events hev, full_ev = ti._full_usm_ndarray(fill_value, res, sycl_queue) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, full_ev) return res
def _normalize_order(order, arr): """ Utility function for processing the `order` keyword of array-like constructors, which support `"K"` and `"A"` orders. """ arr_flags = arr.flags f_contig = arr_flags["F"] c_contig = arr_flags["C"] if order == "A": order = "F" if f_contig and not c_contig else "C" if order == "K" and (f_contig or c_contig): order = "C" if c_contig else "F" return order
[docs]def empty_like( x, /, *, dtype=None, order="K", device=None, usm_type=None, sycl_queue=None ): """ Returns an uninitialized :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray` with the same `shape` as the input array `x`. Args: x (usm_ndarray): Input array from which to derive the output array shape. dtype (optional): data type of the array. Can be a typestring, a :class:`numpy.dtype` object, NumPy char string, or a NumPy scalar type. Default: ``None`` order ("C", "F", "A", or "K"): memory layout for the array. Default: ``"K"`` device (optional): array API concept of device where the output array is created. ``device`` can be ``None``, a oneAPI filter selector string, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclDevice` corresponding to a non-partitioned SYCL device, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, or a :class:`dpctl.tensor.Device` object returned by :attr:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray.device`. Default: ``None`` usm_type (``"device"``, ``"shared"``, ``"host"``, optional): The type of SYCL USM allocation for the output array. Default: ``"device"`` sycl_queue (:class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, optional): The SYCL queue to use for output array allocation and copying. ``sycl_queue`` and ``device`` are complementary arguments, i.e. use one or another. If both are specified, a :exc:`TypeError` is raised unless both imply the same underlying SYCL queue to be used. If both are ``None``, a cached queue targeting default-selected device is used for allocation. Default: ``None`` Returns: usm_ndarray: Created empty array with uninitialized memory. """ if not isinstance(x, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected instance of dpt.usm_ndarray, got {type(x)}.") if ( not isinstance(order, str) or len(order) == 0 or order[0] not in "CcFfAaKk" ): raise ValueError( "Unrecognized order keyword value, expecting 'C', 'F', 'A', or 'K'." ) order = order[0].upper() if dtype is None: dtype = x.dtype if usm_type is None: usm_type = x.usm_type dpctl.utils.validate_usm_type(usm_type, allow_none=False) if device is None and sycl_queue is None: device = x.device sycl_queue = normalize_queue_device(sycl_queue=sycl_queue, device=device) dtype = dpt.dtype(dtype) order = _normalize_order(order, x) if order == "K": _ensure_native_dtype_device_support(dtype, sycl_queue.sycl_device) return _empty_like_orderK(x, dtype, usm_type, sycl_queue) else: shape = x.shape _ensure_native_dtype_device_support(dtype, sycl_queue.sycl_device) res = dpt.usm_ndarray( shape, dtype=dtype, buffer=usm_type, order=order, buffer_ctor_kwargs={"queue": sycl_queue}, ) return res
[docs]def zeros_like( x, /, *, dtype=None, order="K", device=None, usm_type=None, sycl_queue=None ): """ Creates :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray` from USM allocation initialized with zeros. Args: x (usm_ndarray): Input array from which to derive the shape of the output array. dtype (optional): data type of the array. Can be typestring, a :class:`numpy.dtype` object, :mod:`numpy` char string, or a NumPy scalar type. If `None`, output array has the same data type as the input array. Default: ``None`` order ("C", or "F"): memory layout for the array. Default: ``"C"`` device (optional): array API concept of device where the output array is created. ``device`` can be ``None``, a oneAPI filter selector string, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclDevice` corresponding to a non-partitioned SYCL device, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, or a :class:`dpctl.tensor.Device` object returned by :attr:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray.device`. Default: ``None`` usm_type (``"device"``, ``"shared"``, ``"host"``, optional): The type of SYCL USM allocation for the output array. Default: ``"device"`` sycl_queue (:class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, optional): The SYCL queue to use for output array allocation and copying. ``sycl_queue`` and ``device`` are complementary arguments, i.e. use one or another. If both are specified, a :exc:`TypeError` is raised unless both imply the same underlying SYCL queue to be used. If both are ``None``, a cached queue targeting default-selected device is used for allocation and population. Default: ``None`` Returns: usm_ndarray: New array initialized with zeros. """ if not isinstance(x, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected instance of dpt.usm_ndarray, got {type(x)}.") if ( not isinstance(order, str) or len(order) == 0 or order[0] not in "CcFfAaKk" ): raise ValueError( "Unrecognized order keyword value, expecting 'C', 'F', 'A', or 'K'." ) order = order[0].upper() if dtype is None: dtype = x.dtype if usm_type is None: usm_type = x.usm_type dpctl.utils.validate_usm_type(usm_type, allow_none=False) if device is None and sycl_queue is None: device = x.device sycl_queue = normalize_queue_device(sycl_queue=sycl_queue, device=device) dtype = dpt.dtype(dtype) order = _normalize_order(order, x) if order == "K": _ensure_native_dtype_device_support(dtype, sycl_queue.sycl_device) res = _empty_like_orderK(x, dtype, usm_type, sycl_queue) _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[sycl_queue] # populating new allocation, no dependent events hev, full_ev = ti._full_usm_ndarray(0, res, sycl_queue) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, full_ev) return res else: _ensure_native_dtype_device_support(dtype, sycl_queue.sycl_device) sh = x.shape return zeros( sh, dtype=dtype, order=order, device=device, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, )
[docs]def ones_like( x, /, *, dtype=None, order="K", device=None, usm_type=None, sycl_queue=None ): """ Returns a new :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray` filled with ones and having the same `shape` as the input array `x`. Args: x (usm_ndarray): Input array from which to derive the output array shape dtype (optional): data type of the array. Can be typestring, a :class:`numpy.dtype` object, :mod:`numpy` char string, or a NumPy scalar type. Default: `None` order ("C", "F", "A", or "K"): memory layout for the array. Default: ``"C"`` device (optional): array API concept of device where the output array is created. ``device`` can be ``None``, a oneAPI filter selector string, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclDevice` corresponding to a non-partitioned SYCL device, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, or a :class:`dpctl.tensor.Device` object returned by :attr:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray.device`. Default: ``None`` usm_type (``"device"``, ``"shared"``, ``"host"``, optional): The type of SYCL USM allocation for the output array. Default: ``"device"`` sycl_queue (:class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, optional): The SYCL queue to use for output array allocation and copying. ``sycl_queue`` and ``device`` are complementary arguments, i.e. use one or another. If both are specified, a :exc:`TypeError` is raised unless both imply the same underlying SYCL queue to be used. If both are ``None``, a cached queue targeting default-selected device is used for allocation and population. Default: ``None`` Returns: usm_ndarray: New array initialized with ones. """ if not isinstance(x, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected instance of dpt.usm_ndarray, got {type(x)}.") if ( not isinstance(order, str) or len(order) == 0 or order[0] not in "CcFfAaKk" ): raise ValueError( "Unrecognized order keyword value, expecting 'C', 'F', 'A', or 'K'." ) order = order[0].upper() if dtype is None: dtype = x.dtype if usm_type is None: usm_type = x.usm_type dpctl.utils.validate_usm_type(usm_type, allow_none=False) if device is None and sycl_queue is None: device = x.device sycl_queue = normalize_queue_device(sycl_queue=sycl_queue, device=device) dtype = dpt.dtype(dtype) order = _normalize_order(order, x) if order == "K": _ensure_native_dtype_device_support(dtype, sycl_queue.sycl_device) res = _empty_like_orderK(x, dtype, usm_type, sycl_queue) _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[sycl_queue] # populating new allocation, no dependent events hev, full_ev = ti._full_usm_ndarray(1, res, sycl_queue) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, full_ev) return res else: sh = x.shape return ones( sh, dtype=dtype, order=order, device=device, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, )
[docs]def full_like( x, /, fill_value, *, dtype=None, order="K", device=None, usm_type=None, sycl_queue=None, ): """ full_like(x, fill_value, dtype=None, order="K", \ device=None, usm_type=None, sycl_queue=None) Returns a new :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray` filled with `fill_value` and having the same `shape` as the input array `x`. Args: x (usm_ndarray): Input array from which to derive the output array shape. fill_value: the value to fill output array with dtype (optional): data type of the array. Can be typestring, a :class:`numpy.dtype` object, :mod:`numpy` char string, or a NumPy scalar type. If ``dtype`` is ``None``, the output array data type is inferred from ``x``. Default: ``None`` order ("C", "F", "A", or "K"): memory layout for the array. Default: ``"K"`` device (optional): array API concept of device where the output array is created. ``device`` can be ``None``, a oneAPI filter selector string, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclDevice` corresponding to a non-partitioned SYCL device, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, or a :class:`dpctl.tensor.Device` object returned by :attr:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray.device`. Default: ``None`` usm_type (``"device"``, ``"shared"``, ``"host"``, optional): The type of SYCL USM allocation for the output array. Default: ``"device"`` sycl_queue (:class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, optional): The SYCL queue to use for output array allocation and copying. ``sycl_queue`` and ``device`` are complementary arguments, i.e. use one or another. If both are specified, a :exc:`TypeError` is raised unless both imply the same underlying SYCL queue to be used. If both are ``None``, a cached queue targeting default-selected device is used for allocation and population. Default: ``None`` Returns: usm_ndarray: New array initialized with given value. """ if not isinstance(x, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected instance of dpt.usm_ndarray, got {type(x)}.") if ( not isinstance(order, str) or len(order) == 0 or order[0] not in "CcFfAaKk" ): raise ValueError( "Unrecognized order keyword value, expecting 'C', 'F', 'A', or 'K'." ) order = order[0].upper() if dtype is None: dtype = x.dtype if usm_type is None: usm_type = x.usm_type dpctl.utils.validate_usm_type(usm_type, allow_none=False) if device is None and sycl_queue is None: device = x.device sycl_queue = normalize_queue_device(sycl_queue=sycl_queue, device=device) sh = x.shape dtype = dpt.dtype(dtype) order = _normalize_order(order, x) if order == "K": _ensure_native_dtype_device_support(dtype, sycl_queue.sycl_device) if isinstance(fill_value, (dpt.usm_ndarray, np.ndarray, tuple, list)): X = dpt.asarray( fill_value, dtype=dtype, order=order, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, ) X = dpt.broadcast_to(X, sh) res = _empty_like_orderK(x, dtype, usm_type, sycl_queue) _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[sycl_queue] # order copy after tasks populating X dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events hev, copy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=X, dst=res, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, depends=dep_evs ) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, copy_ev) return res else: _validate_fill_value(fill_value) dtype = _get_dtype(dtype, sycl_queue, ref_type=type(fill_value)) res = _empty_like_orderK(x, dtype, usm_type, sycl_queue) fill_value = _cast_fill_val(fill_value, dtype) _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[sycl_queue] # populating new allocation, no dependent events hev, full_ev = ti._full_usm_ndarray(fill_value, res, sycl_queue) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, full_ev) return res else: return full( sh, fill_value, dtype=dtype, order=order, device=device, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, )
[docs]def linspace( start, stop, /, num, *, dtype=None, device=None, endpoint=True, sycl_queue=None, usm_type="device", ): """ linspace(start, stop, num, dtype=None, device=None, endpoint=True, \ sycl_queue=None, usm_type="device") Returns :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray` array populated with evenly spaced numbers of specified interval. Args: start: the start of the interval. stop: the end of the interval. If the ``endpoint`` is ``False``, the function generates ``num+1`` evenly spaced points starting with ``start`` and ending with ``stop`` and exclude the ``stop`` from the returned array such that the returned array consists of evenly spaced numbers over the half-open interval ``[start, stop)``. If ``endpoint`` is ``True``, the output array consists of evenly spaced numbers over the closed interval ``[start, stop]``. Default: ``True`` num (int): number of samples. Must be a non-negative integer; otherwise, the function raises ``ValueError`` exception. dtype: output array data type. Should be a floating data type. If ``dtype`` is ``None``, the output array must be the default floating point data type for target device. Default: ``None`` device (optional): array API concept of device where the output array is created. ``device`` can be ``None``, a oneAPI filter selector string, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclDevice` corresponding to a non-partitioned SYCL device, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, or a :class:`dpctl.tensor.Device` object returned by :attr:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray.device`. Default: ``None`` usm_type (``"device"``, ``"shared"``, ``"host"``, optional): The type of SYCL USM allocation for the output array. Default: ``"device"`` sycl_queue (:class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, optional): The SYCL queue to use for output array allocation and copying. ``sycl_queue`` and ``device`` are complementary arguments, i.e. use one or another. If both are specified, a :exc:`TypeError` is raised unless both imply the same underlying SYCL queue to be used. If both are ``None``, a cached queue targeting default-selected device is used for allocation and population. Default: ``None`` endpoint: boolean indicating whether to include ``stop`` in the interval. Default: ``True`` Returns: usm_ndarray: Array populated with evenly spaced numbers in the requested interval. """ sycl_queue = normalize_queue_device(sycl_queue=sycl_queue, device=device) dpctl.utils.validate_usm_type(usm_type, allow_none=False) if endpoint not in [True, False]: raise TypeError("endpoint keyword argument must be of boolean type") num = operator.index(num) if num < 0: raise ValueError("Number of points must be non-negative") _, dt = _coerce_and_infer_dt( start, stop, dt=dtype, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, err_msg="start and stop must be Python scalars.", allow_bool=True, ) int_dt = None if np.issubdtype(dt, np.integer): if dtype is not None: int_dt = dt dt = ti.default_device_fp_type(sycl_queue) dt = dpt.dtype(dt) start = float(start) stop = float(stop) res = dpt.empty(num, dtype=dt, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=sycl_queue) _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[sycl_queue] hev, la_ev = ti._linspace_affine( start, stop, dst=res, include_endpoint=endpoint, sycl_queue=sycl_queue ) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, la_ev) return res if int_dt is None else dpt.astype(res, int_dt)
[docs]def eye( n_rows, n_cols=None, /, *, k=0, dtype=None, order="C", device=None, usm_type="device", sycl_queue=None, ): """ eye(n_rows, n_cols=None, /, *, k=0, dtype=None, \ device=None, usm_type="device", sycl_queue=None) Creates :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray` with ones on the `k`-th diagonal. Args: n_rows (int): number of rows in the output array. n_cols (int, optional): number of columns in the output array. If ``None``, ``n_cols = n_rows``. Default: ``None`` k (int): index of the diagonal, with ``0`` as the main diagonal. A positive value of ``k`` is a superdiagonal, a negative value is a subdiagonal. Raises :exc:`TypeError` if ``k`` is not an integer. Default: ``0`` dtype (optional): data type of the array. Can be typestring, a :class:`numpy.dtype` object, :mod:`numpy` char string, or a NumPy scalar type. Default: ``None`` order ("C" or "F"): memory layout for the array. Default: ``"C"`` device (optional): array API concept of device where the output array is created. ``device`` can be ``None``, a oneAPI filter selector string, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclDevice` corresponding to a non-partitioned SYCL device, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, or a :class:`dpctl.tensor.Device` object returned by :attr:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray.device`. Default: ``None`` usm_type (``"device"``, ``"shared"``, ``"host"``, optional): The type of SYCL USM allocation for the output array. Default: ``"device"`` sycl_queue (:class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, optional): The SYCL queue to use for output array allocation and copying. ``sycl_queue`` and ``device`` are complementary arguments, i.e. use one or another. If both are specified, a :exc:`TypeError` is raised unless both imply the same underlying SYCL queue to be used. If both are ``None``, a cached queue targeting default-selected device is used for allocation and population. Default: ``None`` Returns: usm_ndarray: A diagonal matrix. """ if not isinstance(order, str) or len(order) == 0 or order[0] not in "CcFf": raise ValueError( "Unrecognized order keyword value, expecting 'F' or 'C'." ) order = order[0].upper() n_rows = operator.index(n_rows) n_cols = n_rows if n_cols is None else operator.index(n_cols) k = operator.index(k) if k >= n_cols or -k >= n_rows: return dpt.zeros( (n_rows, n_cols), dtype=dtype, order=order, device=device, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=sycl_queue, ) dpctl.utils.validate_usm_type(usm_type, allow_none=False) sycl_queue = normalize_queue_device(sycl_queue=sycl_queue, device=device) dtype = _get_dtype(dtype, sycl_queue) _ensure_native_dtype_device_support(dtype, sycl_queue.sycl_device) res = dpt.usm_ndarray( (n_rows, n_cols), dtype=dtype, buffer=usm_type, order=order, buffer_ctor_kwargs={"queue": sycl_queue}, ) if n_rows != 0 and n_cols != 0: _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[sycl_queue] hev, eye_ev = ti._eye(k, dst=res, sycl_queue=sycl_queue) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, eye_ev) return res
[docs]def tril(x, /, *, k=0): """ Returns the lower triangular part of a matrix (or a stack of matrices) ``x``. The lower triangular part of the matrix is defined as the elements on and below the specified diagonal ``k``. Args: x (usm_ndarray): Input array k (int, optional): Specifies the diagonal above which to set elements to zero. If ``k = 0``, the diagonal is the main diagonal. If ``k < 0``, the diagonal is below the main diagonal. If ``k > 0``, the diagonal is above the main diagonal. Default: ``0`` Returns: usm_ndarray: A lower-triangular array or a stack of lower-triangular arrays. """ if not isinstance(x, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError( "Expected argument of type dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, " f"got {type(x)}." ) k = operator.index(k) order = "F" if (x.flags.f_contiguous) else "C" shape = x.shape nd = x.ndim if nd < 2: raise ValueError("Array dimensions less than 2.") q = x.sycl_queue if k >= shape[nd - 1] - 1: res = dpt.empty( x.shape, dtype=x.dtype, order=order, usm_type=x.usm_type, sycl_queue=q, ) _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[q] dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events hev, cpy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=x, dst=res, sycl_queue=q, depends=dep_evs ) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, cpy_ev) elif k < -shape[nd - 2]: res = dpt.zeros( x.shape, dtype=x.dtype, order=order, usm_type=x.usm_type, sycl_queue=q, ) else: res = dpt.empty( x.shape, dtype=x.dtype, order=order, usm_type=x.usm_type, sycl_queue=q, ) _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[q] dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events hev, tril_ev = ti._tril( src=x, dst=res, k=k, sycl_queue=q, depends=dep_evs ) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, tril_ev) return res
[docs]def triu(x, /, *, k=0): """ Returns the upper triangular part of a matrix (or a stack of matrices) ``x``. The upper triangular part of the matrix is defined as the elements on and above the specified diagonal ``k``. Args: x (usm_ndarray): Input array k (int, optional): Specifies the diagonal below which to set elements to zero. If ``k = 0``, the diagonal is the main diagonal. If ``k < 0``, the diagonal is below the main diagonal. If ``k > 0``, the diagonal is above the main diagonal. Default: ``0`` Returns: usm_ndarray: An upper-triangular array or a stack of upper-triangular arrays. """ if not isinstance(x, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError( "Expected argument of type dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, " f"got {type(x)}." ) k = operator.index(k) order = "F" if (x.flags.f_contiguous) else "C" shape = x.shape nd = x.ndim if nd < 2: raise ValueError("Array dimensions less than 2.") q = x.sycl_queue if k > shape[nd - 1]: res = dpt.zeros( x.shape, dtype=x.dtype, order=order, usm_type=x.usm_type, sycl_queue=q, ) elif k <= -shape[nd - 2] + 1: res = dpt.empty( x.shape, dtype=x.dtype, order=order, usm_type=x.usm_type, sycl_queue=q, ) _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[q] dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events hev, cpy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=x, dst=res, sycl_queue=q, depends=dep_evs ) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, cpy_ev) else: res = dpt.empty( x.shape, dtype=x.dtype, order=order, usm_type=x.usm_type, sycl_queue=q, ) _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[q] dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events hev, triu_ev = ti._triu( src=x, dst=res, k=k, sycl_queue=q, depends=dep_evs ) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, triu_ev) return res
[docs]def meshgrid(*arrays, indexing="xy"): """ Creates list of :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray` coordinate matrices from vectors. Args: arrays (usm_ndarray): an arbitrary number of one-dimensional arrays representing grid coordinates. Each array should have the same numeric data type. indexing (``"xy"``, or ``"ij"``): Cartesian (``"xy"``) or matrix (``"ij"``) indexing of output. If provided zero or one one-dimensional vector(s) (i.e., the zero- and one-dimensional cases, respectively), the ``indexing`` keyword has no effect and should be ignored. Default: ``"xy"`` Returns: List[array]: list of ``N`` arrays, where ``N`` is the number of provided one-dimensional input arrays. Each returned array must have rank ``N``. For a set of ``n`` vectors with lengths ``N0``, ``N1``, ``N2``, ... The cartesian indexing results in arrays of shape ``(N1, N0, N2, ...)``, while the matrix indexing results in arrays of shape ``(N0, N1, N2, ...)``. Default: ``"xy"``. Raises: ValueError: If vectors are not of the same data type, or are not one-dimensional. """ ref_dt = None ref_unset = True for array in arrays: if not isinstance(array, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError( f"Expected instance of dpt.usm_ndarray, got {type(array)}." ) if array.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("All arrays must be one-dimensional.") if ref_unset: ref_unset = False ref_dt = array.dtype else: if not ref_dt == array.dtype: raise ValueError( "All arrays must be of the same numeric data type." ) if indexing not in ["xy", "ij"]: raise ValueError( "Unrecognized indexing keyword value, expecting 'xy' or 'ij.'" ) n = len(arrays) if n == 0: return [] sh = (-1,) + (1,) * (n - 1) res = [] if n > 1 and indexing == "xy": res.append(dpt.reshape(arrays[0], (1, -1) + sh[2:], copy=True)) res.append(dpt.reshape(arrays[1], sh, copy=True)) arrays, sh = arrays[2:], sh[-2:] + sh[:-2] for array in arrays: res.append(dpt.reshape(array, sh, copy=True)) sh = sh[-1:] + sh[:-1] output = dpt.broadcast_arrays(*res) return output