Source code for dpctl.tensor._copy_utils

#                       Data Parallel Control (dpctl)
#  Copyright 2020-2025 Intel Corporation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
import builtins
import operator

import numpy as np

import dpctl
import dpctl.memory as dpm
import dpctl.tensor as dpt
import dpctl.tensor._tensor_impl as ti
import dpctl.utils
from dpctl.tensor._data_types import _get_dtype
from dpctl.tensor._device import normalize_queue_device
from dpctl.tensor._type_utils import _dtype_supported_by_device_impl

from ._numpy_helper import normalize_axis_index

__doc__ = (
    "Implementation module for copy- and cast- operations on "

int32_t_max = 1 + np.iinfo(np.int32).max

def _copy_to_numpy(ary):
    if not isinstance(ary, dpt.usm_ndarray):
        raise TypeError(f"Expected dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(ary)}")
    nb = ary.usm_data.nbytes
    q = ary.sycl_queue
    hh = dpm.MemoryUSMHost(nb, queue=q)
    h = np.ndarray(nb, dtype="u1", buffer=hh).view(ary.dtype)
    itsz = ary.itemsize
    strides_bytes = tuple(si * itsz for si in ary.strides)
    offset = ary._element_offset * itsz
    # ensure that content of ary.usm_data is final
    return np.ndarray(

def _copy_from_numpy(np_ary, usm_type="device", sycl_queue=None):
    "Copies numpy array `np_ary` into a new usm_ndarray"
    # This may perform a copy to meet stated requirements
    Xnp = np.require(np_ary, requirements=["A", "E"])
    alloc_q = normalize_queue_device(sycl_queue=sycl_queue, device=None)
    dt = Xnp.dtype
    if dt.char in "dD" and alloc_q.sycl_device.has_aspect_fp64 is False:
        Xusm_dtype = (
            dpt.dtype("float32") if dt.char == "d" else dpt.dtype("complex64")
        Xusm_dtype = dt
    Xusm = dpt.empty(
        Xnp.shape, dtype=Xusm_dtype, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=sycl_queue
    _copy_from_numpy_into(Xusm, Xnp)
    return Xusm

def _copy_from_numpy_into(dst, np_ary):
    "Copies `np_ary` into `dst` of type :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray"
    if not isinstance(np_ary, np.ndarray):
        raise TypeError(f"Expected numpy.ndarray, got {type(np_ary)}")
    if not isinstance(dst, dpt.usm_ndarray):
        raise TypeError(f"Expected usm_ndarray, got {type(dst)}")
    if np_ary.flags["OWNDATA"]:
        Xnp = np_ary
        # Determine base of input array
        base = np_ary.base
        while isinstance(base, np.ndarray):
            base = base.base
        if isinstance(base, dpm._memory._Memory):
            # we must perform a copy, since subsequent
            # _copy_numpy_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray is implemented using
            # sycl::buffer, and using USM-pointers with sycl::buffer
            # results is undefined behavior
            Xnp = np_ary.copy()
            Xnp = np_ary
    src_ary = np.broadcast_to(Xnp, dst.shape)
    copy_q = dst.sycl_queue
    if copy_q.sycl_device.has_aspect_fp64 is False:
        src_ary_dt_c = src_ary.dtype.char
        if src_ary_dt_c == "d":
            src_ary = src_ary.astype(np.float32)
        elif src_ary_dt_c == "D":
            src_ary = src_ary.astype(np.complex64)
    _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[copy_q]
    dep_ev = _manager.submitted_events
    # synchronizing call
        src=src_ary, dst=dst, sycl_queue=copy_q, depends=dep_ev

[docs]def from_numpy(np_ary, /, *, device=None, usm_type="device", sycl_queue=None): """ from_numpy(arg, device=None, usm_type="device", sycl_queue=None) Creates :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray` from instance of :class:`numpy.ndarray`. Args: arg: Input convertible to :class:`numpy.ndarray` device (object): array API specification of device where the output array is created. Device can be specified by a a filter selector string, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclDevice`, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, or an instance of :class:`dpctl.tensor.Device`. If the value is ``None``, returned array is created on the default-selected device. Default: ``None`` usm_type (str): The requested USM allocation type for the output array. Recognized values are ``"device"``, ``"shared"``, or ``"host"`` sycl_queue (:class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, optional): A SYCL queue that determines output array allocation device as well as execution placement of data movement operations. The ``device`` and ``sycl_queue`` arguments are equivalent. Only one of them should be specified. If both are provided, they must be consistent and result in using the same execution queue. Default: ``None`` The returned array has the same shape, and the same data type kind. If the device does not support the data type of input array, a closest support data type of the same kind may be returned, e.g. input array of type ``float16`` may be upcast to ``float32`` if the target device does not support 16-bit floating point type. """ q = normalize_queue_device(sycl_queue=sycl_queue, device=device) return _copy_from_numpy(np_ary, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=q)
def to_numpy(usm_ary, /): """ to_numpy(usm_ary) Copies content of :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray` instance ``usm_ary`` into :class:`numpy.ndarray` instance of the same shape and same data type. Args: usm_ary (usm_ndarray): Input array Returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray`: An instance of :class:`numpy.ndarray` populated with content of ``usm_ary`` """ return _copy_to_numpy(usm_ary) def asnumpy(usm_ary): """ asnumpy(usm_ary) Copies content of :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray` instance ``usm_ary`` into :class:`numpy.ndarray` instance of the same shape and same data type. Args: usm_ary (usm_ndarray): Input array Returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray`: An instance of :class:`numpy.ndarray` populated with content of ``usm_ary`` """ return _copy_to_numpy(usm_ary) class Dummy: """ Helper class with specified ``__sycl_usm_array_interface__`` attribute """ def __init__(self, iface): self.__sycl_usm_array_interface__ = iface def _copy_overlapping(dst, src): """Assumes src and dst have the same shape.""" q = normalize_queue_device(sycl_queue=dst.sycl_queue) tmp = dpt.usm_ndarray( src.shape, dtype=src.dtype, buffer="device", order="C", buffer_ctor_kwargs={"queue": q}, ) _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[q] dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events hcp1, cp1 = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=src, dst=tmp, sycl_queue=q, depends=dep_evs ) _manager.add_event_pair(hcp1, cp1) hcp2, cp2 = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=tmp, dst=dst, sycl_queue=q, depends=[cp1] ) _manager.add_event_pair(hcp2, cp2) def _copy_same_shape(dst, src): """Assumes src and dst have the same shape.""" # check that memory regions do not overlap if ti._array_overlap(dst, src): if src._pointer == dst._pointer and ( src is dst or (src.strides == dst.strides and src.dtype == dst.dtype) ): return _copy_overlapping(src=src, dst=dst) return copy_q = dst.sycl_queue _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[copy_q] dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events hev, cpy_ev = ti._copy_usm_ndarray_into_usm_ndarray( src=src, dst=dst, sycl_queue=copy_q, depends=dep_evs ) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, cpy_ev) if hasattr(np, "broadcast_shapes"): def _broadcast_shapes(sh1, sh2): return np.broadcast_shapes(sh1, sh2) else: def _broadcast_shapes(sh1, sh2): # use arrays with zero strides, whose memory footprint # is independent of the number of array elements return np.broadcast( np.empty(sh1, dtype=[]), np.empty(sh2, dtype=[]), ).shape def _broadcast_strides(X_shape, X_strides, res_ndim): """ Broadcasts strides to match the given dimensions; returns tuple type strides. """ out_strides = [0] * res_ndim X_shape_len = len(X_shape) str_dim = -X_shape_len for i in range(X_shape_len): shape_value = X_shape[i] if not shape_value == 1: out_strides[str_dim] = X_strides[i] str_dim += 1 return tuple(out_strides) def _copy_from_usm_ndarray_to_usm_ndarray(dst, src): if any( not isinstance(arg, dpt.usm_ndarray) for arg in ( dst, src, ) ): raise TypeError( "Both types are expected to be dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, " f"got {type(dst)} and {type(src)}." ) if dst.ndim == src.ndim and dst.shape == src.shape: _copy_same_shape(dst, src) return try: common_shape = _broadcast_shapes(dst.shape, src.shape) except ValueError as exc: raise ValueError("Shapes of two arrays are not compatible") from exc if dst.size < src.size and dst.size < raise ValueError("Destination is smaller ") if len(common_shape) > dst.ndim: ones_count = len(common_shape) - dst.ndim for k in range(ones_count): if common_shape[k] != 1: raise ValueError common_shape = common_shape[ones_count:] if src.ndim < len(common_shape): new_src_strides = _broadcast_strides( src.shape, src.strides, len(common_shape) ) src_same_shape = dpt.usm_ndarray( common_shape, dtype=src.dtype, buffer=src, strides=new_src_strides, offset=src._element_offset, ) elif src.ndim == len(common_shape): new_src_strides = _broadcast_strides( src.shape, src.strides, len(common_shape) ) src_same_shape = dpt.usm_ndarray( common_shape, dtype=src.dtype, buffer=src, strides=new_src_strides, offset=src._element_offset, ) else: # since broadcasting succeeded, src.ndim is greater because of # leading sequence of ones, so we trim it n = len(common_shape) new_src_strides = _broadcast_strides( src.shape[-n:], src.strides[-n:], n ) src_same_shape = dpt.usm_ndarray( common_shape, dtype=src.dtype, buffer=src.usm_data, strides=new_src_strides, offset=src._element_offset, ) _copy_same_shape(dst, src_same_shape) def _empty_like_orderK(X, dt, usm_type=None, dev=None): """Returns empty array like `x`, using order='K' For an array `x` that was obtained by permutation of a contiguous array the returned array will have the same shape and the same strides as `x`. """ if not isinstance(X, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected usm_ndarray, got {type(X)}") if usm_type is None: usm_type = X.usm_type if dev is None: dev = X.device fl = X.flags if fl["C"] or X.size <= 1: return dpt.empty_like( X, dtype=dt, usm_type=usm_type, device=dev, order="C" ) elif fl["F"]: return dpt.empty_like( X, dtype=dt, usm_type=usm_type, device=dev, order="F" ) st = list(X.strides) perm = sorted( range(X.ndim), key=lambda d: builtins.abs(st[d]) if X.shape[d] > 1 else 0, reverse=True, ) inv_perm = sorted(range(X.ndim), key=lambda i: perm[i]) sh = X.shape sh_sorted = tuple(sh[i] for i in perm) R = dpt.empty(sh_sorted, dtype=dt, usm_type=usm_type, device=dev, order="C") if min(st) < 0: st_sorted = [st[i] for i in perm] sl = tuple( ( slice(None, None, -1) if st_sorted[i] < 0 else slice(None, None, None) ) for i in range(X.ndim) ) R = R[sl] return dpt.permute_dims(R, inv_perm) def _empty_like_pair_orderK(X1, X2, dt, res_shape, usm_type, dev): if not isinstance(X1, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected usm_ndarray, got {type(X1)}") if not isinstance(X2, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected usm_ndarray, got {type(X2)}") nd1 = X1.ndim nd2 = X2.ndim if nd1 > nd2 and X1.shape == res_shape: return _empty_like_orderK(X1, dt, usm_type, dev) elif nd1 < nd2 and X2.shape == res_shape: return _empty_like_orderK(X2, dt, usm_type, dev) fl1 = X1.flags fl2 = X2.flags if fl1["C"] or fl2["C"]: return dpt.empty( res_shape, dtype=dt, usm_type=usm_type, device=dev, order="C" ) if fl1["F"] and fl2["F"]: return dpt.empty( res_shape, dtype=dt, usm_type=usm_type, device=dev, order="F" ) st1 = list(X1.strides) st2 = list(X2.strides) max_ndim = max(nd1, nd2) st1 += [0] * (max_ndim - len(st1)) st2 += [0] * (max_ndim - len(st2)) sh1 = list(X1.shape) + [0] * (max_ndim - nd1) sh2 = list(X2.shape) + [0] * (max_ndim - nd2) perm = sorted( range(max_ndim), key=lambda d: ( builtins.abs(st1[d]) if sh1[d] > 1 else 0, builtins.abs(st2[d]) if sh2[d] > 1 else 0, ), reverse=True, ) inv_perm = sorted(range(max_ndim), key=lambda i: perm[i]) st1_sorted = [st1[i] for i in perm] st2_sorted = [st2[i] for i in perm] sh = res_shape sh_sorted = tuple(sh[i] for i in perm) R = dpt.empty(sh_sorted, dtype=dt, usm_type=usm_type, device=dev, order="C") if max(min(st1_sorted), min(st2_sorted)) < 0: sl = tuple( ( slice(None, None, -1) if (st1_sorted[i] < 0 and st2_sorted[i] < 0) else slice(None, None, None) ) for i in range(nd1) ) R = R[sl] return dpt.permute_dims(R, inv_perm) def _empty_like_triple_orderK(X1, X2, X3, dt, res_shape, usm_type, dev): if not isinstance(X1, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected usm_ndarray, got {type(X1)}") if not isinstance(X2, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected usm_ndarray, got {type(X2)}") if not isinstance(X3, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Expected usm_ndarray, got {type(X3)}") nd1 = X1.ndim nd2 = X2.ndim nd3 = X3.ndim if X1.shape == res_shape and X2.shape == res_shape and len(res_shape) > nd3: return _empty_like_pair_orderK(X1, X2, dt, res_shape, usm_type, dev) elif ( X2.shape == res_shape and X3.shape == res_shape and len(res_shape) > nd1 ): return _empty_like_pair_orderK(X2, X3, dt, res_shape, usm_type, dev) elif ( X1.shape == res_shape and X3.shape == res_shape and len(res_shape) > nd2 ): return _empty_like_pair_orderK(X1, X3, dt, res_shape, usm_type, dev) fl1 = X1.flags fl2 = X2.flags fl3 = X3.flags if fl1["C"] or fl2["C"] or fl3["C"]: return dpt.empty( res_shape, dtype=dt, usm_type=usm_type, device=dev, order="C" ) if fl1["F"] and fl2["F"] and fl3["F"]: return dpt.empty( res_shape, dtype=dt, usm_type=usm_type, device=dev, order="F" ) st1 = list(X1.strides) st2 = list(X2.strides) st3 = list(X3.strides) max_ndim = max(nd1, nd2, nd3) st1 += [0] * (max_ndim - len(st1)) st2 += [0] * (max_ndim - len(st2)) st3 += [0] * (max_ndim - len(st3)) sh1 = list(X1.shape) + [0] * (max_ndim - nd1) sh2 = list(X2.shape) + [0] * (max_ndim - nd2) sh3 = list(X3.shape) + [0] * (max_ndim - nd3) perm = sorted( range(max_ndim), key=lambda d: ( builtins.abs(st1[d]) if sh1[d] > 1 else 0, builtins.abs(st2[d]) if sh2[d] > 1 else 0, builtins.abs(st3[d]) if sh3[d] > 1 else 0, ), reverse=True, ) inv_perm = sorted(range(max_ndim), key=lambda i: perm[i]) st1_sorted = [st1[i] for i in perm] st2_sorted = [st2[i] for i in perm] st3_sorted = [st3[i] for i in perm] sh = res_shape sh_sorted = tuple(sh[i] for i in perm) R = dpt.empty(sh_sorted, dtype=dt, usm_type=usm_type, device=dev, order="C") if max(min(st1_sorted), min(st2_sorted), min(st3_sorted)) < 0: sl = tuple( ( slice(None, None, -1) if ( st1_sorted[i] < 0 and st2_sorted[i] < 0 and st3_sorted[i] < 0 ) else slice(None, None, None) ) for i in range(nd1) ) R = R[sl] return dpt.permute_dims(R, inv_perm)
[docs]def copy(usm_ary, /, *, order="K"): """copy(ary, order="K") Creates a copy of given instance of :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray`. Args: ary (usm_ndarray): Input array order (``"C"``, ``"F"``, ``"A"``, ``"K"``, optional): Controls the memory layout of the output array Returns: usm_ndarray: A copy of the input array. Memory layout of the copy is controlled by ``order`` keyword, following NumPy's conventions. The ``order`` keywords can be one of the following: .. list-table:: * - ``"C"`` - C-contiguous memory layout * - ``"F"`` - Fortran-contiguous memory layout * - ``"A"`` - Fortran-contiguous if the input array is also Fortran-contiguous, otherwise C-contiguous * - ``"K"`` - match the layout of ``usm_ary`` as closely as possible. """ if len(order) == 0 or order[0] not in "KkAaCcFf": raise ValueError( "Unrecognized order keyword value, expecting 'K', 'A', 'F', or 'C'." ) order = order[0].upper() if not isinstance(usm_ary, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError( f"Expected object of type dpt.usm_ndarray, got {type(usm_ary)}" ) copy_order = "C" if order == "C": pass elif order == "F": copy_order = order elif order == "A": if usm_ary.flags.f_contiguous: copy_order = "F" elif order == "K": if usm_ary.flags.f_contiguous: copy_order = "F" else: raise ValueError( "Unrecognized value of the order keyword. " "Recognized values are 'A', 'C', 'F', or 'K'" ) if order == "K": R = _empty_like_orderK(usm_ary, usm_ary.dtype) else: R = dpt.usm_ndarray( usm_ary.shape, dtype=usm_ary.dtype, buffer=usm_ary.usm_type, order=copy_order, buffer_ctor_kwargs={"queue": usm_ary.sycl_queue}, ) _copy_same_shape(R, usm_ary) return R
[docs]def astype( usm_ary, newdtype, /, *, order="K", casting="unsafe", copy=True, device=None ): """ astype(array, new_dtype, order="K", casting="unsafe", \ copy=True, device=None) Returns a copy of the :class:`dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray`, cast to a specified type. Args: array (usm_ndarray): An input array. new_dtype (dtype): The data type of the resulting array. If `None`, gives default floating point type supported by device where the resulting array will be located. order ({"C", "F", "A", "K"}, optional): Controls memory layout of the resulting array if a copy is returned. casting ({'no', 'equiv', 'safe', 'same_kind', 'unsafe'}, optional): Controls what kind of data casting may occur. Please see :meth:`numpy.ndarray.astype` for description of casting modes. copy (bool, optional): By default, `astype` always returns a newly allocated array. If this keyword is set to `False`, a view of the input array may be returned when possible. device (object): array API specification of device where the output array is created. Device can be specified by a a filter selector string, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclDevice`, an instance of :class:`dpctl.SyclQueue`, or an instance of :class:`dpctl.tensor.Device`. If the value is `None`, returned array is created on the same device as `array`. Default: `None`. Returns: usm_ndarray: An array with requested data type. A view can be returned, if possible, when `copy=False` is used. """ if not isinstance(usm_ary, dpt.usm_ndarray): return TypeError( f"Expected object of type dpt.usm_ndarray, got {type(usm_ary)}" ) if len(order) == 0 or order[0] not in "KkAaCcFf": raise ValueError( "Unrecognized order keyword value, expecting 'K', 'A', 'F', or 'C'." ) order = order[0].upper() ary_dtype = usm_ary.dtype if device is not None: if not isinstance(device, dpctl.SyclQueue): if isinstance(device, dpt.Device): device = device.sycl_queue else: device = dpt.Device.create_device(device).sycl_queue d = device.sycl_device target_dtype = _get_dtype(newdtype, device) if not _dtype_supported_by_device_impl( target_dtype, d.has_aspect_fp16, d.has_aspect_fp64 ): raise ValueError( f"Requested dtype '{target_dtype}' is not supported by the " "target device" ) usm_ary = usm_ary.to_device(device) else: target_dtype = _get_dtype(newdtype, usm_ary.sycl_queue) if not dpt.can_cast(ary_dtype, target_dtype, casting=casting): raise TypeError( f"Can not cast from {ary_dtype} to {newdtype} " f"according to rule {casting}." ) c_contig = usm_ary.flags.c_contiguous f_contig = usm_ary.flags.f_contiguous needs_copy = copy or not ary_dtype == target_dtype if not needs_copy and (order != "K"): # ensure that order="F" for C-contig input triggers copy, # and order="C" for F-contig input triggers copy too. # 1D arrays which are both C- and F- contig should not # force copying for neither order="F", nor order="C", see gh-1926 needs_copy = ( c_contig and not f_contig and order not in ["A", "C"] ) or (not c_contig and f_contig and order not in ["A", "F"]) if not needs_copy: return usm_ary copy_order = "C" if order == "C": pass elif order == "F": copy_order = order elif order == "A": if usm_ary.flags.f_contiguous: copy_order = "F" elif order == "K": if usm_ary.flags.f_contiguous: copy_order = "F" else: raise ValueError( "Unrecognized value of the order keyword. " "Recognized values are 'A', 'C', 'F', or 'K'" ) if order == "K": R = _empty_like_orderK(usm_ary, target_dtype) else: R = dpt.usm_ndarray( usm_ary.shape, dtype=target_dtype, buffer=usm_ary.usm_type, order=copy_order, buffer_ctor_kwargs={"queue": usm_ary.sycl_queue}, ) _copy_from_usm_ndarray_to_usm_ndarray(R, usm_ary) return R
def _extract_impl(ary, ary_mask, axis=0): """Extract elements of ary by applying mask starting from slot dimension axis""" if not isinstance(ary, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError( f"Expecting type dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(ary)}" ) if not isinstance(ary_mask, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError( f"Expecting type dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(ary_mask)}" ) dst_usm_type = dpctl.utils.get_coerced_usm_type( (ary.usm_type, ary_mask.usm_type) ) exec_q = dpctl.utils.get_execution_queue( (ary.sycl_queue, ary_mask.sycl_queue) ) if exec_q is None: raise dpctl.utils.ExecutionPlacementError( "arrays have different associated queues. " "Use `Y.to_device(X.device)` to migrate." ) ary_nd = ary.ndim pp = normalize_axis_index(operator.index(axis), ary_nd) mask_nd = ary_mask.ndim if pp < 0 or pp + mask_nd > ary_nd: raise ValueError( "Parameter p is inconsistent with input array dimensions" ) mask_nelems = ary_mask.size cumsum_dt = dpt.int32 if mask_nelems < int32_t_max else dpt.int64 cumsum = dpt.empty(mask_nelems, dtype=cumsum_dt, device=ary_mask.device) exec_q = cumsum.sycl_queue _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[exec_q] dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events mask_count = ti.mask_positions( ary_mask, cumsum, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=dep_evs ) dst_shape = ary.shape[:pp] + (mask_count,) + ary.shape[pp + mask_nd :] dst = dpt.empty( dst_shape, dtype=ary.dtype, usm_type=dst_usm_type, device=ary.device ) if dst.size == 0: return dst hev, ev = ti._extract( src=ary, cumsum=cumsum, axis_start=pp, axis_end=pp + mask_nd, dst=dst, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=dep_evs, ) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, ev) return dst def _nonzero_impl(ary): if not isinstance(ary, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError( f"Expecting type dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(ary)}" ) exec_q = ary.sycl_queue usm_type = ary.usm_type mask_nelems = ary.size cumsum_dt = dpt.int32 if mask_nelems < int32_t_max else dpt.int64 cumsum = dpt.empty( mask_nelems, dtype=cumsum_dt, sycl_queue=exec_q, order="C" ) _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[exec_q] dep_evs = _manager.submitted_events mask_count = ti.mask_positions( ary, cumsum, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=dep_evs ) indexes_dt = ti.default_device_index_type(exec_q.sycl_device) indexes = dpt.empty( (ary.ndim, mask_count), dtype=indexes_dt, usm_type=usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q, order="C", ) hev, nz_ev = ti._nonzero(cumsum, indexes, ary.shape, exec_q) res = tuple(indexes[i, :] for i in range(ary.ndim)) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, nz_ev) return res def _take_multi_index(ary, inds, p, mode=0): if not isinstance(ary, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError( f"Expecting type dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(ary)}" ) ary_nd = ary.ndim p = normalize_axis_index(operator.index(p), ary_nd) mode = operator.index(mode) if mode not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError( "Invalid value for mode keyword, only 0 or 1 is supported" ) queues_ = [ ary.sycl_queue, ] usm_types_ = [ ary.usm_type, ] if not isinstance(inds, (list, tuple)): inds = (inds,) for ind in inds: if not isinstance(ind, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError("all elements of `ind` expected to be usm_ndarrays") queues_.append(ind.sycl_queue) usm_types_.append(ind.usm_type) if ind.dtype.kind not in "ui": raise IndexError( "arrays used as indices must be of integer (or boolean) type" ) res_usm_type = dpctl.utils.get_coerced_usm_type(usm_types_) exec_q = dpctl.utils.get_execution_queue(queues_) if exec_q is None: raise dpctl.utils.ExecutionPlacementError( "Can not automatically determine where to allocate the " "result or performance execution. " "Use `usm_ndarray.to_device` method to migrate data to " "be associated with the same queue." ) if len(inds) > 1: ind_dt = dpt.result_type(*inds) # ind arrays have been checked to be of integer dtype if ind_dt.kind not in "ui": raise ValueError( "cannot safely promote indices to an integer data type" ) inds = tuple( map( lambda ind: ( ind if ind.dtype == ind_dt else dpt.astype(ind, ind_dt) ), inds, ) ) inds = dpt.broadcast_arrays(*inds) ind0 = inds[0] ary_sh = ary.shape p_end = p + len(inds) if 0 in ary_sh[p:p_end] and ind0.size != 0: raise IndexError("cannot take non-empty indices from an empty axis") res_shape = ary_sh[:p] + ind0.shape + ary_sh[p_end:] res = dpt.empty( res_shape, dtype=ary.dtype, usm_type=res_usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q ) _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[exec_q] dep_ev = _manager.submitted_events hev, take_ev = ti._take( src=ary, ind=inds, dst=res, axis_start=p, mode=mode, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=dep_ev, ) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, take_ev) return res def _place_impl(ary, ary_mask, vals, axis=0): """Extract elements of ary by applying mask starting from slot dimension axis""" if not isinstance(ary, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError( f"Expecting type dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(ary)}" ) if not isinstance(ary_mask, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError( f"Expecting type dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(ary_mask)}" ) exec_q = dpctl.utils.get_execution_queue( ( ary.sycl_queue, ary_mask.sycl_queue, ) ) if exec_q is not None: if not isinstance(vals, dpt.usm_ndarray): vals = dpt.asarray(vals, dtype=ary.dtype, sycl_queue=exec_q) else: exec_q = dpctl.utils.get_execution_queue((exec_q, vals.sycl_queue)) if exec_q is None: raise dpctl.utils.ExecutionPlacementError( "arrays have different associated queues. " "Use `Y.to_device(X.device)` to migrate." ) ary_nd = ary.ndim pp = normalize_axis_index(operator.index(axis), ary_nd) mask_nd = ary_mask.ndim if pp < 0 or pp + mask_nd > ary_nd: raise ValueError( "Parameter p is inconsistent with input array dimensions" ) mask_nelems = ary_mask.size cumsum_dt = dpt.int32 if mask_nelems < int32_t_max else dpt.int64 cumsum = dpt.empty(mask_nelems, dtype=cumsum_dt, device=ary_mask.device) exec_q = cumsum.sycl_queue _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[exec_q] dep_ev = _manager.submitted_events mask_count = ti.mask_positions( ary_mask, cumsum, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=dep_ev ) expected_vals_shape = ( ary.shape[:pp] + (mask_count,) + ary.shape[pp + mask_nd :] ) if vals.dtype == ary.dtype: rhs = vals else: rhs = dpt.astype(vals, ary.dtype) rhs = dpt.broadcast_to(rhs, expected_vals_shape) if mask_nelems == 0: return dep_ev = _manager.submitted_events hev, pl_ev = ti._place( dst=ary, cumsum=cumsum, axis_start=pp, axis_end=pp + mask_nd, rhs=rhs, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=dep_ev, ) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, pl_ev) return def _put_multi_index(ary, inds, p, vals, mode=0): if not isinstance(ary, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError( f"Expecting type dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray, got {type(ary)}" ) ary_nd = ary.ndim p = normalize_axis_index(operator.index(p), ary_nd) mode = operator.index(mode) if mode not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError( "Invalid value for mode keyword, only 0 or 1 is supported" ) if isinstance(vals, dpt.usm_ndarray): queues_ = [ary.sycl_queue, vals.sycl_queue] usm_types_ = [ary.usm_type, vals.usm_type] else: queues_ = [ ary.sycl_queue, ] usm_types_ = [ ary.usm_type, ] if not isinstance(inds, (list, tuple)): inds = (inds,) for ind in inds: if not isinstance(ind, dpt.usm_ndarray): raise TypeError("all elements of `ind` expected to be usm_ndarrays") queues_.append(ind.sycl_queue) usm_types_.append(ind.usm_type) if ind.dtype.kind not in "ui": raise IndexError( "arrays used as indices must be of integer (or boolean) type" ) vals_usm_type = dpctl.utils.get_coerced_usm_type(usm_types_) exec_q = dpctl.utils.get_execution_queue(queues_) if exec_q is not None: if not isinstance(vals, dpt.usm_ndarray): vals = dpt.asarray( vals, dtype=ary.dtype, usm_type=vals_usm_type, sycl_queue=exec_q ) else: exec_q = dpctl.utils.get_execution_queue((exec_q, vals.sycl_queue)) if exec_q is None: raise dpctl.utils.ExecutionPlacementError( "Can not automatically determine where to allocate the " "result or performance execution. " "Use `usm_ndarray.to_device` method to migrate data to " "be associated with the same queue." ) if len(inds) > 1: ind_dt = dpt.result_type(*inds) # ind arrays have been checked to be of integer dtype if ind_dt.kind not in "ui": raise ValueError( "cannot safely promote indices to an integer data type" ) inds = tuple( map( lambda ind: ( ind if ind.dtype == ind_dt else dpt.astype(ind, ind_dt) ), inds, ) ) inds = dpt.broadcast_arrays(*inds) ind0 = inds[0] ary_sh = ary.shape p_end = p + len(inds) if 0 in ary_sh[p:p_end] and ind0.size != 0: raise IndexError( "cannot put into non-empty indices along an empty axis" ) expected_vals_shape = ary_sh[:p] + ind0.shape + ary_sh[p_end:] if vals.dtype == ary.dtype: rhs = vals else: rhs = dpt.astype(vals, ary.dtype) rhs = dpt.broadcast_to(rhs, expected_vals_shape) _manager = dpctl.utils.SequentialOrderManager[exec_q] dep_ev = _manager.submitted_events hev, put_ev = ti._put( dst=ary, ind=inds, val=rhs, axis_start=p, mode=mode, sycl_queue=exec_q, depends=dep_ev, ) _manager.add_event_pair(hev, put_ev) return