A range kernel represents the simplest form of parallelism that can be expressed in numba-dpex using kapi. Such a kernel represents a data-parallel execution over a set of work-items with each work-item representing a logical thread of execution. Example: Vector addition using a range kernel shows an example of a range kernel written in numba-dpex.

Example: Vector addition using a range kernel
 1import dpnp
 2import numba_dpex as dpex
 3from numba_dpex import kernel_api as kapi
 6# Data parallel kernel implementing vector sum
 8def vecadd(item: kapi.Item, a, b, c):
 9    i = item.get_id(0)
10    c[i] = a[i] + b[i]
13N = 1024
14a = dpnp.ones(N)
15b = dpnp.ones_like(a)
16c = dpnp.zeros_like(a)
17dpex.call_kernel(vecadd, kapi.Range(N), a, b, c)

The highlighted lines in the example demonstrate the definition of the execution range on line 17 and extraction of every work-items’ id or index position via the item.get_id call on line 10. An execution range comprising of 1024 work-items is defined when calling the kernel and each work-item then executes a single addition.

There are a few semantic rules that have to be adhered to when writing a range kernel:

  • Analogous to the API of SYCL a range kernel can execute only over a 1-, 2-, or a 3-dimensional set of work-items.

  • Every range kernel requires its first argument to be an instance of the numba_dpex.kernel_api.Item class. The Item object is an abstraction encapsulating the index position (id) of a single work-item in the global execution range. The id will be a 1-, 2-, or a 3-tuple depending the dimensionality of the execution range.

  • A range kernel cannot return any value.

    Note the rule is enforced only in the compiled mode and not in the pure Python execution on a kapi kernel.

  • A kernel can accept both array and scalar arguments. Array arguments currently can either be a dpnp.ndarray or a dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray. Scalar values can be of any Python numeric type. Array arguments are passed by reference, i.e., changes to an array in a kernel are visible outside the kernel. Scalar values are always passed by value.

  • At least one argument of a kernel should be an array. The requirement is so that the kernel launcher (numba_dpex.core.kernel_launcher.call_kernel()) can determine the execution queue on which to launch the kernel. Refer to the Launching a kernel section for more details.

A range kernel has to be executed via the numba_dpex.core.kernel_launcher.call_kernel() function by passing in an instance of the numba_dpex.kernel_api.Range class. Refer to the Launching a kernel section for more details on how to launch a range kernel.

A range kernel is meant to express a basic parallel-for calculation that is ideally suited for embarrassingly parallel kernels such as element-wise computations over n-dimensional arrays (ndarrays). The API for expressing a range kernel does not allow advanced features such as synchronization of work-items and fine-grained control over memory allocation on a device. For such advanced features, an nd-range kernel should be used.