


kernel(function_or_signature, **options)

A decorator to compile a function written using numba_dpex.kernel_api.

device_func(function_or_signature, **options)

Compiles a device-callable function that can be only invoked from a kernel.

dpjit(*args, **kws)



kernel(function_or_signature=None, **options)

A decorator to compile a function written using numba_dpex.kernel_api.

The kernel decorator triggers the compilation of a function written using the data-parallel kernel programming API exposed by numba_dpex.kernel_api. Such a function is conceptually equivalent to a kernel function written in the C++ SYCL eDSL. The decorator will compile the function based on the types of the arguments to a SPIR-V binary that can be executed either on OpenCL CPU, GPU devices or Intel Level Zero GPU devices.

Any function to be compilable using the kernel decorator should adhere to the following semantic rules:

  • The first argument to the function should be either an instance of the numba_dpex.kernel_api.Item class or an instance of the numba_dpex.kernel_api.NdItem.

  • The function should not return any value.

  • The function should have at least one array type argument that can either be an instance of dpnp.ndarray or an instance of dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray.

  • signature_or_function (optional) – An optional signature or list of signatures for which a function is to be compiled. Passing in a signature “specializes” the decorated function and no other versions of the function will be compiled. A function can also be directly passed instead of a signature and the signature will get inferred from the function. The actual compilation happens on every invocation of the numba_dpex.experimental.call_kernel() function where the decorated function is passed in as an argument along with the argument values for the decorated function.

  • options (optional) –

    • debug (bool): Whether the compilation should happen in debug mode. (Default = False)

    • inline_threshold (int): Specifies the level of inlining that the compiler should attempt. (Default = 2)


An instance of numba_dpex.kernel_api_impl.spirv.dispatcher.KernelDispatcher. The KernelDispatcher object compiles the decorated function when passed in to numba_dpex.experimental.call_kernel().


  1. Decorate a function and pass it to call_kernel for compilation and execution.

import dpnp
import numba_dpex as dpex
from numba_dpex import kernel_api as kapi

# Data parallel kernel implementing vector sum
def vecadd(item: kapi.Item, a, b, c):
    i = item.get_id(0)
    c[i] = a[i] + b[i]

N = 1024
a = dpnp.ones(N)
b = dpnp.ones_like(a)
c = dpnp.zeros_like(a)
dpex.call_kernel(vecadd, kapi.Range(N), a, b, c)
  1. Specializes a kernel and then compiles it directly before executing it via call_kernel. The kernel is specialized to expect a 1-D dpnp.ndarray with either float32 type elements or int64 type elements.

import dpnp
import numba_dpex as dpex
from numba_dpex import kernel_api as kapi
from numba_dpex import DpnpNdArray, float32, int64
from numba_dpex.core.types.kernel_api.index_space_ids import ItemType

i64arrty = DpnpNdArray(ndim=1, dtype=int64, layout="C")
f32arrty = DpnpNdArray(ndim=1, dtype=float32, layout="C")
item_ty = ItemType(ndim=1)

specialized_kernel = dpex.kernel(
        (item_ty, i64arrty, i64arrty, i64arrty),
        (item_ty, f32arrty, f32arrty, f32arrty),

def vecadd(item: kapi.Item, a, b, c):
    i = item.get_id(0)
    c[i] = a[i] + b[i]

# Compile all specializations for vecadd
precompiled_kernels = specialized_kernel(vecadd)
N = 1024
a = dpnp.ones(N, dtype=dpnp.int64)
b = dpnp.ones_like(a)
c = dpnp.zeros_like(a)
# Call a specific pre-compiled version of vecadd
dpex.call_kernel(precompiled_kernels, kapi.Range(N), a, b, c)
device_func(function_or_signature=None, **options)

Compiles a device-callable function that can be only invoked from a kernel.

The decorator is used to express auxiliary device-only functions that can be called from a kernel or another device function, but are not callable from the host. This decorator numba_dpex.experimental.device_func() has no direct analogue in SYCL and primarily is provided to help programmers make their kapi applications modular.

A device_func decorated function does not require the first argument to be a numba_dpex.kernel_api.Item object or a numba_dpex.kernel_api.NdItem object, and unlike a kernel decorated function is allowed to return any value. All numba_dpex.kernel_api functionality can be used in a device_func decorated function.

The decorator is also used to compile overloads in the DpexKernelTarget.

A device_func decorated function is not compiled down to device binary and instead is compiled down to LLVM IR. Final compilation to binary happens when the function is invoked from a kernel decorated function. The compilation happens this was to allow a device_func decorated function to be internally linked into the kernel module at the LLVM level, leading to more optimization opportunities.

  • signature_or_function (optional) – An optional signature or list of signatures for which a function is to be compiled. Passing in a signature “specializes” the decorated function and no other versions of the function will be compiled. A function can also be directly passed instead of a signature and the signature will get inferred from the function. The actual compilation happens on every invocation of the decorated function from another device_func or kernel decorated function.

  • options (optional) –

    • debug (bool): Whether the compilation should happen in debug mode. (Default = False)

    • inline_threshold (int): Specifies the level of inlining that the compiler should attempt. (Default = 2)


An instance of numba_dpex.kernel_api_impl.spirv.dispatcher.KernelDispatcher. The KernelDispatcher object compiles the decorated function when it is called from another function.


import dpnp

from numba_dpex import experimental as dpex_exp
from numba_dpex import kernel_api as kapi

def increment_value(nd_item: NdItem, a):
    i = nd_item.get_global_id(0)

    a[i] += 1
    group_barrier(nd_item.get_group(), MemoryScope.DEVICE)

    if i == 0:
        for idx in range(1, a.size):
            a[0] += a[idx]

def another_kernel(nd_item: NdItem, a):
    increment_value(nd_item, a)

N = 16
b = dpnp.ones(N, dtype=dpnp.int32)

dpex_exp.call_kernel(another_kernel, dpex.NdRange((N,), (N,)), b)
dpjit(*args, **kws)