An object providing access to DPEXRT API in the lowering pass. |
- class DpexRTContext(context)¶
An object providing access to DPEXRT API in the lowering pass.
Methods¶ meminfo_alloc
(builder, size, usm_type, queue_ref)Wrapper to call
(builder, meminfo, itemsize, dest_is_float, value_is_float, value, queue_ref)Wrapper to call
(builder, size, usm_type, queue_ref)Allocate a new MemInfo with a data payload of size bytes.
(builder, meminfo, itemsize, dest_is_float, value_is_float, value, queue_ref)Fills an allocated MemInfo with the value specified.
(pyapi, obj, ptr)Generates a call to DPEXRT_sycl_usm_ndarray_from_python C function
(pyapi, obj, ptr)Calls the c function DPEXRT_sycl_queue_from_python
(pyapi, val)Calls the c function DPEXRT_sycl_queue_to_python
(pyapi, obj, ptr)Calls the c function DPEXRT_sycl_event_from_python
(pyapi, val)Calls the c function DPEXRT_sycl_event_to_python
(pyapi, event, struct)Calls the c function DPEXRT_sycl_event_init
(pyapi, aryty, ary, dtypeptr)Boxes a DpnpNdArray native object into a Python dpnp.ndarray.
(builder, device)Calls DPEXRTQueue_CreateFromFilterString to create a new sycl::queue
(builder, kref, qref, args, argtys, nargs, range, nrange, depevents, ndepevents)Calls DPEXRTQueue_CreateFromFilterString to create a new sycl::queue
(builder, kref, qref, args, argtys, nargs, grange, lrange, ndims, depevents, ndepevents)Calls DPEXRTQueue_CreateFromFilterString to create a new sycl::queue
(builder, args)Inserts LLVM IR to call nrt_acquire_meminfo_and_schedule_release.
(builder, args)Inserts LLVM IR to call build_or_get_kernel.
(builder)Inserts LLVM IR to call kernel_cache_size.
- meminfo_alloc(builder, size, usm_type, queue_ref)¶
Wrapper to call
with null checking of the returned value.
- meminfo_fill(builder, meminfo, itemsize, dest_is_float, value_is_float, value, queue_ref)¶
Wrapper to call
with null checking of the returned value.
- meminfo_alloc_unchecked(builder, size, usm_type, queue_ref)¶
Allocate a new MemInfo with a data payload of size bytes.
The result of the call is checked and if it is NULL, i.e. allocation failed, then a MemoryError is raised. If the allocation succeeded then a pointer to the MemInfo is returned.
- Parameters:
builder ( – LLVM IR builder.
size ( – LLVM uint64 value specifying the size in bytes for the data payload, i.e. i64 %”arg.allocsize”
usm_type ( – An LLVM Argument object specifying the type of the usm allocator. The constant value should match the values in
enum, i.e. i64 %”arg.usm_type”.queue_ref ( – An LLVM argument value storing the pointer to the address of the queue object, the object can be dpctl.SyclQueue(), i.e. i8* %”arg.queue”.
- Returns:
- A pointer to the MemInfo
is returned from the DPEXRT_MemInfo_alloc C function call.
- Return type:
ret (
- meminfo_fill_unchecked(builder, meminfo, itemsize, dest_is_float, value_is_float, value, queue_ref)¶
Fills an allocated MemInfo with the value specified.
The result of the call is checked and if it is NULL, i.e. the fill operation failed, then a MemoryError is raised. If the fill operation is succeeded then a pointer to the MemInfo is returned.
- Parameters:
builder ( – LLVM IR builder.
meminfo ( – LLVM uint64 value specifying the size in bytes for the data payload.
itemsize ( – An LLVM Constant value specifying the size of the each data item allocated by the usm allocator.
dest_is_float ( – An LLVM Constant value specifying if the destination array type is floating point.
value_is_float ( – An LLVM Constant value specifying if the input value is a floating point.
value ( – An LLVM Constant value specifying if the input value that will be used to fill the array.
queue_ref ( – An LLVM ExtractValue instruction object to extract the pointer to the queue from the DpctlSyclQueue type, i.e. %”.74” = extractvalue {i8*, i8*} %”.73”, 1.
- Returns:
- A pointer to the MemInfo
is returned from the DPEXRT_MemInfo_fill C function call.
- Return type:
ret (
- arraystruct_from_python(pyapi, obj, ptr)¶
Generates a call to DPEXRT_sycl_usm_ndarray_from_python C function defined in the _DPREXRT_python Python extension.
- queuestruct_from_python(pyapi, obj, ptr)¶
Calls the c function DPEXRT_sycl_queue_from_python
- queuestruct_to_python(pyapi, val)¶
Calls the c function DPEXRT_sycl_queue_to_python
- eventstruct_from_python(pyapi, obj, ptr)¶
Calls the c function DPEXRT_sycl_event_from_python
- eventstruct_to_python(pyapi, val)¶
Calls the c function DPEXRT_sycl_event_to_python
- eventstruct_init(pyapi, event, struct)¶
Calls the c function DPEXRT_sycl_event_init
- usm_ndarray_to_python_acqref(pyapi, aryty, ary, dtypeptr)¶
Boxes a DpnpNdArray native object into a Python dpnp.ndarray.
- Parameters:
pyapi (_type_) – _description_
aryty (_type_) – _description_
ary (_type_) – _description_
dtypeptr (_type_) – _description_
- Returns:
- Return type:
- get_queue_from_filter_string(builder, device)¶
Calls DPEXRTQueue_CreateFromFilterString to create a new sycl::queue from a given filter string.
- Parameters:
device ( – An LLVM ArrayType storing a const string for a DPC++ filter selector string.
Returns: A DPCTLSyclQueueRef pointer.
- submit_range(builder, kref, qref, args, argtys, nargs, range, nrange, depevents, ndepevents)¶
Calls DPEXRTQueue_CreateFromFilterString to create a new sycl::queue from a given filter string.
Returns: A DPCTLSyclQueueRef pointer.
- submit_ndrange(builder, kref, qref, args, argtys, nargs, grange, lrange, ndims, depevents, ndepevents)¶
Calls DPEXRTQueue_CreateFromFilterString to create a new sycl::queue from a given filter string.
Returns: A LLVM IR call inst.
- acquire_meminfo_and_schedule_release(builder:, args)¶
Inserts LLVM IR to call nrt_acquire_meminfo_and_schedule_release.
DPCTLSyclEventRef DPEXRT_nrt_acquire_meminfo_and_schedule_release( NRT_api_functions *nrt, DPCTLSyclQueueRef QRef, NRT_MemInfo **meminfo_array, size_t meminfo_array_size, DPCTLSyclEventRef *depERefs, size_t nDepERefs, int *status, );
- build_or_get_kernel(builder:, args)¶
Inserts LLVM IR to call build_or_get_kernel.
DPCTLSyclKernelRef DPEXRT_build_or_get_kernel( const DPCTLSyclContextRef ctx, const DPCTLSyclDeviceRef dev, size_t il_hash, const char *il, size_t il_length, const char *compile_opts, const char *kernel_name, );
- kernel_cache_size(builder:¶
Inserts LLVM IR to call kernel_cache_size.
size_t DPEXRT_kernel_cache_size();