
Building scikit-ipp using conda-build

The easiest way to build scikit-ipp is using the conda-build with the provided recipe.


  • Python version >= 3.6

  • conda-build version >= 3

  • C compiler

Building scikit-ipp

$ cd <checkout-dir>
$ conda build -c intel conda-recipe

This will build the conda package and tell you where to find it (`.../scikit-ipp*.tar.bz2`).

Installing the built scikit-ipp conda package

$ conda install <path-to-conda-package-as-built-above>

To actually use your scikit-ipp, dependent packages need to be installed. To ensure, do

Windows, Linux and OsX:

$ conda install -c intel numpy ipp

Building documentation for scikit-ipp

Prerequisites for creating documentation

  • sphinx >= 3.0

  • sphinx_rtd_theme >= 0.4

  • sphinx-gallery >= 0.3.1

  • matplotlib > = 3.0.1

Building documentation

  1. Install scikit-ipp into your python environment

  2. `cd doc && make html`

  3. The documentation will be in `doc/_build/html`