
dpnp.random.seed(seed=None, device=None, sycl_queue=None)[source]

Reseed a legacy MT19937 random number generator engine.

  • device ({None, string, SyclDevice, SyclQueue}, optional) -- An array API concept of device where an array with generated numbers will be created. The device can be None (the default), an OneAPI filter selector string, an instance of dpctl.SyclDevice corresponding to a non-partitioned SYCL device, an instance of dpctl.SyclQueue, or a Device object returned by dpnp.dpnp_array.dpnp_array.device property.

  • sycl_queue ({None, SyclQueue}, optional) -- A SYCL queue to use for an array with generated numbers.


The seed parameter is supported as a scalar or an array of at most three integer scalars.