Pad strings in the Series/Index by prepending ‘0’ characters.
Strings in the Series/Index are padded with ‘0’ characters on the left of the string to reach a total string length width. Strings in the Series/Index with length greater or equal to width are unchanged.
- param width
- int
Minimum length of resulting string; strings with length less than width be prepended with ‘0’ characters.
- return
Series/Index of objects
A leading sign prefix (‘+’/’-‘) is handled by inserting the padding after the sign character rather than before.
import pandas as pd
from numba import njit
def series_str_zfill():
series = pd.Series(['dog', 'foo', 'bar']) # Series of 'dog', 'foo', 'bar'
out_series = series.str.zfill(5)
return out_series # Expect series of '00dog', '00foo', '00bar'
$ python ./series/str/
0 00dog
1 00foo
2 00bar
dtype: object
See also
- Series.str.rjust
Fills the left side of strings with an arbitrary character.
- Series.str.ljust
Fills the right side of strings with an arbitrary character.
- Series.str.pad
Fills the specified sides of strings with an arbitrary character.
Fills boths sides of strings with an arbitrary character.
Add support of 32-bit Unicode for str.zfill()