Convert strings in the Series/Index to be capitalized.
Equivalent to str.capitalize()
- return
Series/Index of objects
All values in Series equal to None are converted to NaNs.
- This function may reveal slower performance than Pandas* on user system. Users should exercise a tradeoff
between staying in JIT-region with that function or going back to interpreter mode.
import pandas as pd
from numba import njit
def series_str_capitalize():
series = pd.Series(['lower', 'CAPITALS', 'this is a sentence', 'SwApCaSe'])
out_series = series.str.capitalize()
return out_series # Expect series of 'Lower', 'Capitals', 'This is a sentence', 'Swapcase'
$ python ./series/str/
0 Lower
1 Capitals
2 This is a sentence
3 Swapcase
dtype: object
See also
- Series.str.lower
Converts all characters to lowercase.
- Series.str.upper
Converts all characters to uppercase.
- Series.str.title
Converts first character of each word to uppercase and remaining to lowercase.
- Series.str.capitalize
Converts first character to uppercase and remaining to lowercase.
- Series.str.swapcase
Converts uppercase to lowercase and lowercase to uppercase.
- Series.str.casefold
Removes all case distinctions in the string.