
Write records stored in a DataFrame to a SQL database.

Databases supported by SQLAlchemy are supported. Tables can be newly created, appended to, or overwritten.

param name

Name of SQL table.

param con
sqlalchemy.engine.Engine or sqlite3.Connection

Using SQLAlchemy makes it possible to use any DB supported by that library. Legacy support is provided for sqlite3.Connection objects.

param schema
string, optional

Specify the schema (if database flavor supports this). If None, use default schema.

param if_exists
{‘fail’, ‘replace’, ‘append’}, default ‘fail’

How to behave if the table already exists.

  • fail: Raise a ValueError.

  • replace: Drop the table before inserting new values.

  • append: Insert new values to the existing table.

param index
bool, default True

Write DataFrame index as a column. Uses index_label as the column name in the table.

param index_label
string or sequence, default None

Column label for index column(s). If None is given (default) and index is True, then the index names are used. A sequence should be given if the DataFrame uses MultiIndex.

param chunksize
int, optional

Rows will be written in batches of this size at a time. By default, all rows will be written at once.

param dtype
dict, optional

Specifying the datatype for columns. The keys should be the column names and the values should be the SQLAlchemy types or strings for the sqlite3 legacy mode.

param method
{None, ‘multi’, callable}, default None

Controls the SQL insertion clause used:

  • None : Uses standard SQL INSERT clause (one per row).

  • ‘multi’: Pass multiple values in a single INSERT clause.

  • callable with signature (pd_table, conn, keys, data_iter).

Details and a sample callable implementation can be found in the section insert method.

New in version 0.24.0.


When the table already exists and if_exists is ‘fail’ (the default).


This feature is currently unsupported by Intel Scalable Dataframe Compiler