KDE DPC++ example

KDE (kernel density estimation) example using SYCL and DPC++.

Given a sample of \(n\) observations \(x_i\) drawn from an unknown underlying continuous distribution \(f(x)\), the kernel density estimate of that density function is computed as follows, for some kernel smoothing parameter \(h \in \mathbb{R}\):

$$ \hat{f}(x) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{1}{h} K\left(\frac{x - x_i}{h}\right) $$

An example of NumPy code performing the estimation, for a common choice of kernel function as standard \(d\)-dimensional Gaussian distribution:

def kde(poi : np.ndarray, sample : np.ndarray, h : float) -> np.ndarray:
    """Given a sample from underlying continuous distribution and
    a smoothing parameter `h`, evaluate density estimate at each point of
    interest `poi`.
    assert sample.ndim == 2
    assert poi.ndim == 2
    m, d1 = poi.shape
    n, d2 = sample.shape
    assert d1 == d2
    assert h > 0
    dm = np.sum(np.square(poi[:, np.newaxis, ...] - sample[np.newaxis, ...]), axis=-1)
    return np.mean(np.exp(dm/(-2*h*h)), axis=-1)/np.power(np.sqrt(2*np.pi) * h, d1)

The code above evaluates \(f(x)\) for \(m\) values of points of interest \(y_t\).

$$ f(y_t) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{1}{h} K\left( \frac{1}{h^2} \left\lVert y_t - x_i \right\rVert^{2} \right), ;;; \forall 0 \leq t \le m $$

Evaluating such an expression can be done in parallel. Evaluation can be done independently for each \(t\). Furthermore, summation over \(i\) can be partitioned among work-items, each summing \(n_{wi}\) distinct terms. Such work partitioning would generate \(m \cdot \left\lceil {n}/{n_{wi}}\right\rceil\) independent tasks. Each work-item could write its partial sum into a dedicated temporary memory location to avoid race condition for further summation by another kernel operating in a similar fashion.

        range<2>(m, ((n + n_wi - 1) / n_wi)),
        [=](sycl::item<2> it) {
            auto t = it.get_id(0);
            auto i_block = it.get_id(1);

            T local_partial_sum = ...;

            partial_sums[t * ((n + n_wi - 1) / n_wi) + i_block] = local_partial_sum;

Such an approach, known as tree reduction, is implemented in kernel_density_esimation_temps function found in "steps/kernel_density_estimation_cpp/kde.hpp".

Use of temporary allocation can be avoided if each work-item atomically adds the value of the local sum to the appropriate zero-initialized location in the output array, as in implementation kernel_density_estimation_atomic_ref in the same header file:

        range<2>(m, ((n + n_wi - 1) / n_wi)),
        [=](sycl::item<2> it) {
            auto t = it.get_id(0);
            auto i_block = it.get_id(1);

            T local_partial_sum = ...;

            sycl::atomic_ref<...> f_aref(f[t]);
            f_aref += local_partial_sum;

Multiple work-items may concurrently updating the same location in global memory would produce the correct result due to use of sycl::atomic_ref but at the expense of increased number of attempts, phenomenon known as atomic pressure. Atomic pressure leads to thread divergence and degrades performance.

To reduce the atomic pressure work-items can be organized into work-groups. Every work-item in a work-group has access to local shared memory, dedicated on-chip memory, which can be used to cooperatively combine values held by work-items in the work-group without accessing the global memory. This could be done efficiently by calling group function sycl::reduce_over_group. To be able to call it, we must specify iteration range using sycl::nd_range rather than sycl::range as we did earlier.

    auto wg = 256; // work-group-size
    auto n_data_per_wg = n_wi * wg;
    auto n_groups = ((n + n_data_per_wg - 1) / n_data_per_Wg);

    range<2> gRange(m, n_groups * wg);
    range<2> lRange(1, wg);

        nd_range<2>(gRange, lRange),
        [=](sycl::nd_item<2> it) {
            auto t = it.get_global_id(0);

            T local_partial_sum = ...;

            auto work_group = it.get_group();
            T sum_over_wg = sycl::reduce_over_group(work_group, local_sum, sycl::plus<>());

            if (work_group.leader()) {
                sycl::atomic_ref<...> f_aref(f[t]);
                f_aref += sum_over_wg;

Complete implementation can be found in kernel_density_estimation_work_group_reduce_and_atomic_ref function in "steps/kernel_density_estimation_cpp/kde.hpp".

These implementations are called from C++ application "steps/kernel_density_estimation_cpp/app.cpp", which samples data uniformly distributed over unit cuboid, and estimates the density using Kernel Density Estimation and spherically symmetric multivariate Gaussian probability density function as the kernel.

The application can be built using CMake, or Meson, please refer to README document in that folder.