Features Summary
Cross-platform Native Extensions
DPC++ lets you build cross-platform libraries that can be run on a growing set of heterogeneous devices supported by the compiler, such as Intel CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs, and also Nvidia GPUs and AMD GPUs.
Our package dpctl provides the necessary Python bindings to make a SYCL library into a Python native extension and subsequently use it from Python.
Write Kernels Directly in Python
If C++ is not your language, you can skip writing data-parallel kernels in SYCL and directly write them in Python.
Our package numba-dpex extends the Numba compiler to allow kernel creation directly in Python via a custom compute API.
Cross-architecture Array API
Python array library targeting conformance to core Python Array API specification.
dpctl.tensor is a Python native extension library implemented using SYCL within dptcl. The library lets Python users get their job done using tensor operations powered by pure SYCL generic kernels for portability.
Easy to Install
All the data-parallel extensions for Python packages are readily available for installation on conda, PyPI, or github.
oneAPI Intel LLVM compilers, including DPC++, as well as associated runtimes are available on conda to support present and future data-parallel extensions.