Install Intel(R) oneAPI toolkits
Pointers about how to get Intel(R) oneAPI toolkits.
Installation of Intel(R) oneAPI toolkits
Use Intel(R) DevCloud
Get free access to a development sandbox with preinstalled and configured oneAPI toolkits as well as access variety of Intel hardware. This is great and low effort way to start exploring oneAPI. We recommend to start with Jupyter Lab.
Install locally
To add oneAPI to your local toolbox, download and install the basekit for your operating system from download page.
For Linux*, toolkits can be installed using OS’s package managers, as well as tried out from within a docker-container. Please refer to the download page for specifics.Make sure to configure your system by following steps from “Get Started Guide” document applicable for your operating system.
Install in CI
oneAPI can be installed into Linux-powered CI by using the OS’s package manager and installing only the necessary components from required toolkits.
See this example of installing DPC++ compiler in GitHub actions for IntelPython/dpctl project.
Last modified July 1, 2022: initial draft of programming model page. (c037fbc)