SciPy 2022 virtual poster

oneAPI for Scientific Python community

by Diptorup Deb and Oleksandr Pavlyk, Intel Corporation

With this poster we would like to inform Scientific Python community about oneAPI programming model for heterogeneous systems and how to leverage it for the benefit of Python users.

We hope to interest Python extension authors to start developing portable accelerator-aware Python packages using oneAPI. This poster presents the tooling to build Python extensions with DPC++, as well as Python binding to DPC++ runtime classes implemented in dpctl.

Programming model

Get started with oneAPI Python-extensions

What is oneAPI

oneAPI - the standard and its implementation.

Features Summary

A list of the main features of the data-parallel extensions to Python packages.

Install Intel(R) oneAPI toolkits

Pointers about how to get Intel(R) oneAPI toolkits.

oneAPI Python extensions

Python extensions can be built with DPC++. This is how.

Why use oneAPI in Python

Last modified July 8, 2022: Changes to landing page. (aa11ea5)