About authors
This poster is being presented on behalf of Python team at Intel Corporation.
Our mission is to foster adoption of oneAPI program by Python community at large and Scientific Python community in particular.
To this end, we are developing the following Python packages:
- github.com/IntelPython/dpctl
- Python bindings to DPC++ runtime classes
- support for device selection, sub-device creation, USM memory allocations, context/queue creation
- array API implementation using DPC++
- integration with Cython and pybind11 to facilitate building of oneAPI Python extensions
- small footprint, with runtime dependency on
- DPC++ runtime
- compute runtime
- NumPy
- github.com/IntelPython/dpnp
- oneAPI- and oneMKL-powered implementation for array library with NumPy-compatible API
- github.com/IntelPython/numba-dpex
- Numba extension to compile Python functions for Intel(R) XPUs
Last modified June 18, 2022: Remove the scipy-poster directory and move the site into top-level. (956a154)