How-to Guides ============= How to save and resume long computation --------------------------------------- :class:`RandomState` is pickleable. Pickling allows to save and restore the internal state of the pseudo-random number generators. .. code-block:: python :caption: Saving state of pseudo-random basic random number generators import numpy as np import mkl_random import pickle rs = mkl_random.RandomState(seed=777, brng="r250") draw = rs.standard_normal(size=1357913) # pickle random state saved = pickle.dumps(rs) # draw some numbers as if computation were to continue post_draw = rs.gamma(5, 1, size=100) # restore random state, and continue from restored_rs = pickle.loads(saved) resumed_draw = restored_rs.gamma(5, 1, size=100) # sample from restored stated is the same as sample # from the original one assert np.array_equal(restored_rs, resumed_draw) Stochastic computations in parallel with multiprocessing -------------------------------------------------------- When performing stochastic computations in parallel, care is due to ensure statistical independence of samples drawn in parallel. Basic quasi-random number generators provide different means to accomplishing this. Some support :meth:`skipahead` method or :meth:`leapfrog` method, while others provide a fixed-size family of generators with nice property that generators from such family, initialized equally, produce streams of randomness statistically indistinguishable from independent. .. py:method:: skipahead(nskips) :canonical: mkl_random.RandomState.skipahead Advance the state of the generator using skip-ahead method, or raise :code:`ValueError` exception if not supported. The argument `nskips` must be a positive Python integer. The method is supported for :ref:`"philox4x32x10" `, :ref:`"mrg32k3a" `, :ref:`"mcg31m1" `, :ref:`"mcg59" `, :ref:`"wh" `, :ref:`"mt19937" `, :ref:`"sfmt19937" `, and :ref:`"ars5" ` basic random number generators. .. note:: When using :meth:`skipahead`, it is important to ensure that a parallel task does not consume more than :code:`nskips` states, otherwise streams of randomness begin to overlap and the assumption of statistical independence breaks down. .. py:method:: leapfrog(k, nstreams) :canonical: mkl_random.RandomState.leapfrog Initialize the state of the generator using leap-frog method, or raise :code:`ValueError` exception if not supported. The leap-frog method partitions state tragectory into :code:`nstream` interleaved non-overlapping sub-sequences, and argument :code:`k` identifies the subsequence. The method is supported for :ref:`"mcg31m1" `, :ref:`"mcg59" `, and :ref:`"wh" ` basic pseudo-random number generators. .. note:: When using :meth:`leapfrog` or :meth:`skipahead` methods one must remember that parallel tasks partition generators period and choose a generator with sufficiently long period to avoid cycling over the period more than once, as doing so also breaks the assumption of statistical independence and may compromise correctness of the simulation. :mod:`mkl_random` also provides two families of basic pseudo-random number generators, :ref:`"mt2203" ` and :ref:`"wh" `, with property that members from particular family, initialized equally, produce streams of randomness stasistically indistunguishable from independent. To use such families in parallel computation, assign difference family generators to different parallel workers and sample those assigned generators in each parallel worker. Please refer to "examples/" folder in the `GitHub repo `_ for more details.