
dpnp.put(a, indices, vals, /, *, axis=None, mode='wrap')[source]

Puts values of an array into another array along a given axis.

For full documentation refer to numpy.put.


Parameters a and indices are supported either as dpnp.ndarray or dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray. Parameter indices is supported as 1-D array of integer data type. Parameter vals must be broadcastable to the shape of indices and has the same data type as a if it is as dpnp.ndarray or dpctl.tensor.usm_ndarray. Parameter mode is supported with wrap, the default, and clip values. Parameter axis is supported as integer only. Otherwise the function will be executed sequentially on CPU.

See also


Changes elements of an array based on conditional and input values.


Change elements of an array based on conditional and input values.


Put values into the destination array by matching 1d index and data slices.


In contrast to numpy.put wrap mode which wraps indices around the array for cyclic operations, dpnp.put wrap mode clamps indices to a fixed range within the array boundaries (-n <= i < n).


>>> import dpnp as np
>>> x = np.arange(5)
>>> indices = np.array([0, 1])
>>> np.put(x, indices, [-44, -55])
>>> x
array([-44, -55,   2,   3,   4])
>>> x = np.arange(5)
>>> indices = np.array([22])
>>> np.put(x, indices, -5, mode='clip')
>>> x
array([ 0,  1,  2,  3, -5])