
dpnp.arctan(x, out=None, where=True, order='K', dtype=None, subok=True, **kwargs)

Computes inverse tangent for each element x_i for input array x.

The inverse of dpnp.tan, so that if y = tan(x) then x = arctan(y). Note that dpnp.atan is an alias of dpnp.arctan.

For full documentation refer to numpy.arctan.

  • x ({dpnp.ndarray, usm_ndarray}) -- Input array, expected to have numeric data type.

  • out ({None, dpnp.ndarray, usm_ndarray}, optional) -- Output array to populate. Array must have the correct shape and the expected data type. Default: None.

  • order ({None, "C", "F", "A", "K"}, optional) -- Memory layout of the newly output array, if parameter out is None. Default: "K".


out -- An array containing the element-wise inverse tangent, in radians and in the closed interval [-pi/2, pi/2]. The data type of the returned array is determined by the Type Promotion Rules.

Return type:



Parameters where and subok are supported with their default values. Keyword argument kwargs is currently unsupported. Otherwise NotImplementedError exception will be raised.

See also


Element-wise arc tangent of x1/x2 choosing the quadrant correctly.


Argument of complex values.


Trigonometric tangent, element-wise.


Trigonometric inverse sine, element-wise.


Trigonometric inverse cosine, element-wise.


Inverse hyperbolic tangent, element-wise.


dpnp.arctan is a multivalued function: for each x there are infinitely many numbers z such that tan(z) = x. The convention is to return the angle z whose real part lies in [-pi/2, pi/2].

For real-valued input data types, dpnp.arctan always returns real output. For each value that cannot be expressed as a real number or infinity, it yields nan.

For complex-valued input, dpnp.arctan is a complex analytic function that has, by convention, the branch cuts [1j, infj] and [-1j, -infj] and is continuous from the left on the former and from the right on the latter.

The inverse tan is also known as \(atan\) or \(tan^{-1}\).


>>> import dpnp as np
>>> x = np.array([0, 1])
>>> np.arctan(x)
array([0.0, 0.78539816])