.. _ufunc: Universal Functions (ufunc) =========================== .. https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/ufuncs.html DPNP provides universal functions (a.k.a. ufuncs) to support various element-wise operations. Available ufuncs ---------------- Math operations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ :nosignatures: dpnp.add dpnp.subtract dpnp.multiply dpnp.matmul dpnp.divide dpnp.logaddexp dpnp.logaddexp2 dpnp.true_divide dpnp.floor_divide dpnp.negative dpnp.positive dpnp.power dpnp.pow dpnp.float_power dpnp.remainder dpnp.mod dpnp.fmod dpnp.divmod dpnp.absolute dpnp.fabs dpnp.rint dpnp.sign dpnp.heaviside dpnp.conj dpnp.conjugate dpnp.exp dpnp.exp2 dpnp.log dpnp.log2 dpnp.log10 dpnp.expm1 dpnp.log1p dpnp.proj dpnp.sqrt dpnp.square dpnp.cbrt dpnp.reciprocal dpnp.rsqrt dpnp.gcd dpnp.lcm .. tip:: The optional output arguments can be used to help you save memory for large calculations. If your arrays are large, complicated expressions can take longer than absolutely necessary due to the creation and (later) destruction of temporary calculation spaces. For example, the expression ``G = A * B + C`` is equivalent to ``T1 = A * B; G = T1 + C; del T1``. It will be more quickly executed as ``G = A * B; add(G, C, G)`` which is the same as ``G = A * B; G += C``. Trigonometric functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All trigonometric functions use radians when an angle is called for. The ratio of degrees to radians is :math:`180^{\circ}/\pi.` .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ :nosignatures: dpnp.sin dpnp.cos dpnp.tan dpnp.arcsin dpnp.asin dpnp.arccos dpnp.acos dpnp.arctan dpnp.atan dpnp.arctan2 dpnp.atan2 dpnp.hypot dpnp.sinh dpnp.cosh dpnp.tanh dpnp.arcsinh dpnp.asinh dpnp.arccosh dpnp.acosh dpnp.arctanh dpnp.atanh dpnp.degrees dpnp.radians dpnp.deg2rad dpnp.rad2deg Bit-twiddling functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ :nosignatures: dpnp.bitwise_and dpnp.bitwise_not dpnp.bitwise_or dpnp.bitwise_xor dpnp.invert dpnp.bitwise_invert dpnp.left_shift dpnp.bitwise_left_shift dpnp.right_shift dpnp.bitwise_right_shift dpnp.bitwise_count Comparison functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ :nosignatures: dpnp.greater dpnp.greater_equal dpnp.less dpnp.less_equal dpnp.not_equal dpnp.equal dpnp.logical_and dpnp.logical_or dpnp.logical_xor dpnp.logical_not dpnp.maximum dpnp.minimum dpnp.fmax dpnp.fmin Floating functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ :nosignatures: dpnp.isfinite dpnp.isinf dpnp.isnan dpnp.fabs dpnp.signbit dpnp.copysign dpnp.nextafter dpnp.spacing dpnp.modf dpnp.ldexp dpnp.frexp dpnp.fmod dpnp.floor dpnp.ceil dpnp.trunc