
dpnp.cumlogsumexp(x, /, *, axis=None, dtype=None, include_initial=False, out=None)[source]

Calculates the cumulative logarithm of the sum of elements in the input array x.

  • x ({dpnp.ndarray, usm_ndarray}) -- Input array, expected to have a real-valued data type.

  • axis ({None, int}, optional) -- Axis or axes along which values must be computed. If a tuple of unique integers, values are computed over multiple axes. If None, the result is computed over the entire array. Default: None.

  • dtype ({None, dtype}, optional) --

    Data type of the returned array. If None, the default data type is inferred from the "kind" of the input array data type.

    • If x has a real-valued floating-point data type, the returned array will have the same data type as x.

    • If x has a boolean or integral data type, the returned array will have the default floating point data type for the device where input array x is allocated.

    • If x has a complex-valued floating-point data type, an error is raised.

    If the data type (either specified or resolved) differs from the data type of x, the input array elements are cast to the specified data type before computing the result. Default: None.

  • include_initial ({None, bool}, optional) -- A boolean indicating whether to include the initial value (i.e., the additive identity, zero) as the first value along the provided axis in the output. Default: False.

  • out ({None, dpnp.ndarray, usm_ndarray}, optional) -- The array into which the result is written. The data type of out must match the expected shape and the expected data type of the result or (if provided) dtype. If None then a new array is returned. Default: None.


out -- An array containing the results. If the result was computed over the entire array, a zero-dimensional array is returned. The returned array has the data type as described in the dtype parameter description above.

Return type:



This function is equivalent of numpy.logaddexp.accumulate.

See also


Logarithm of the sum of elements of the inputs, element-wise.


>>> import dpnp as np
>>> a = np.ones(10)
>>> np.cumlogsumexp(a)
array([1.        , 1.69314718, 2.09861229, 2.38629436, 2.60943791,
       2.79175947, 2.94591015, 3.07944154, 3.19722458, 3.30258509])