Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼ extensions | |
► blas | |
dot.hpp | |
dot_common.hpp | |
dotc.hpp | |
dotu.hpp | |
gemm.hpp | |
gemv.hpp | |
types_matrix.hpp | |
► elementwise_functions | |
elementwise_functions.hpp | |
elementwise_functions_type_utils.hpp | |
simplify_iteration_space.hpp | |
► fft | |
common.hpp | |
fft_utils.hpp | |
in_place.hpp | |
out_of_place.hpp | |
► indexing | |
choose.hpp | |
choose_kernel.hpp | |
► lapack | |
common_helpers.hpp | |
evd_batch_common.hpp | |
evd_common.hpp | |
evd_common_utils.hpp | |
geqrf.hpp | |
gesv.hpp | |
gesv_common_utils.hpp | |
gesvd.hpp | |
gesvd_common_utils.hpp | |
getrf.hpp | |
getri.hpp | |
getrs.hpp | |
heevd.hpp | |
heevd_batch.hpp | |
linalg_exceptions.hpp | |
orgqr.hpp | |
potrf.hpp | |
syevd.hpp | |
syevd_batch.hpp | |
types_matrix.hpp | |
ungqr.hpp | |
► statistics | |
bincount.hpp | |
common.hpp | |
dispatch_table.hpp | |
histogram.hpp | |
histogram_common.hpp | |
histogramdd.hpp | |
sliding_dot_product1d.hpp | |
sliding_window1d.hpp | |
validation_utils.hpp | |
► ufunc | |
► elementwise_functions | |
bitwise_count.hpp | |
common.hpp | |
degrees.hpp | |
fabs.hpp | |
fix.hpp | |
float_power.hpp | |
fmax.hpp | |
fmin.hpp | |
fmod.hpp | |
gcd.hpp | |
heaviside.hpp | |
i0.hpp | |
lcm.hpp | |
ldexp.hpp | |
logaddexp2.hpp | |
nan_to_num.hpp | |
populate.hpp | |
radians.hpp | |
sinc.hpp | |
spacing.hpp | |
► vm | |
abs.hpp | |
acos.hpp | |
acosh.hpp | |
add.hpp | |
asin.hpp | |
asinh.hpp | |
atan.hpp | |
atan2.hpp | |
atanh.hpp | |
cbrt.hpp | |
ceil.hpp | |
common.hpp | |
conj.hpp | |
cos.hpp | |
cosh.hpp | |
div.hpp | |
exp.hpp | |
exp2.hpp | |
expm1.hpp | |
floor.hpp | |
fmax.hpp | |
fmin.hpp | |
fmod.hpp | |
hypot.hpp | |
ln.hpp | |
log10.hpp | |
log1p.hpp | |
log2.hpp | |
mul.hpp | |
nextafter.hpp | |
pow.hpp | |
rint.hpp | |
sin.hpp | |
sinh.hpp | |
sqr.hpp | |
sqrt.hpp | |
sub.hpp | |
tan.hpp | |
tanh.hpp | |
trunc.hpp | |
► window | |
bartlett.hpp | |
blackman.hpp | |
common.hpp | |
hamming.hpp | |
hanning.hpp | |
▼ include | |
dpnp_gen_1arg_1type_tbl.hpp | |
dpnp_iface.hpp | |
dpnp_iface_fptr.hpp | |
dpnp_iface_random.hpp | |
▼ kernels | |
► elementwise_functions | |
bitwise_count.hpp | |
degrees.hpp | |
fabs.hpp | |
fix.hpp | |
fmax.hpp | |
fmin.hpp | |
fmod.hpp | |
gcd.hpp | |
heaviside.hpp | |
i0.hpp | |
lcm.hpp | |
ldexp.hpp | |
logaddexp2.hpp | |
nan_to_num.hpp | |
radians.hpp | |
sinc.hpp | |
spacing.hpp | |
▼ src | |
dpnp_fptr.hpp | |
dpnp_iterator.hpp | |
dpnp_pstl.hpp | |
dpnp_random_state.hpp | |
dpnp_utils.hpp | |
dpnpc_memory_adapter.hpp | |
queue_sycl.hpp | |
verbose.hpp | |
▼ tests | |
dpnp_test_utils.hpp | |