.. _beginners_guides: ================= Beginner's guides ================= Introduction ------------ :mod:`dpctl` brings the standard-based execution model to program a heterogeneous system to Python through invocations of oneAPI-based native libraries, their Python interfaces, or by using DPC++-based Python native extensions built using :mod:`dpctl` integration with Python native extension generators. The :py:mod:`dpctl` runtime is built on top of the C++ SYCL 2020 standard as implemented in the `Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ compiler `_ and is designed to be both vendor and architecture agnostic. Installation ------------ * :ref:`Installing ` :mod:`dpctl` * Setting up drivers Working with devices -------------------- * :ref:`Managing devices ` Introduction to array library ----------------------------- * :ref:`Getting started ` with :mod:`dpctl.tensor` Miscellaneous ------------- * History of ``"dpctl"`` :ref:`name ` * Frequently asked questions .. toctree:: :hidden: installation managing_devices tensor_intro misc