.. _dpctl_tensor_array_object: USM array object ================ .. currentmodule:: dpctl.tensor The array object represents a multi-dimensional tensor of uniform elemental datatype allocated on a :py:class:`Device`. The tensor in stored in a USM allocation, which can be accessed via :py:attr:`usm_ndarray.base` attribute. Implementation of :py:class:`usm_ndarray` conforms to `Array API standard `_ specification. .. array_api_array_object: https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/API_specification/array_object.html .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :template: autosummary/usm_ndarray.rst usm_ndarray .. _dpctl_tensor_usm_ndarray_to_device_example: .. include:: examples/usm_ndarray.rst .. toctree:: :hidden: flags